Full text search, including custom fields?


My users need to be able to search by phone number. That is, they need
to be able to search for, say, 301-555-1212, and see all tickets where
that number appears. Most of our queues have a custom field for phone
numbers, but phone numbers can also appear in message bodies.

It appears that a simple search with fulltext: searches only the
ticket comments and replies. I’d like to have the fulltext search
also check my custom fields. Is there a simple way to achieve this?

Running RT 3.8.6 on pgsql and FreeBSD.

Thanks for any suggestions,

Michael W. Lucas
http://www.MichaelWLucas.com/, http://blather.MichaelWLucas.com/
Latest book: Network Flow Analysis http://www.networkflowanalysis.com/
mwlucas@BlackHelicopters.org, Twitter @mwlauthor


Not a good idea. It’s gonna be slow quickly. Extract all phones
mentioned in into a custom field. You can do it with a scrip.On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 6:51 PM, Michael W. Lucas mwlucas@blackhelicopters.org wrote:


My users need to be able to search by phone number. That is, they need
to be able to search for, say, 301-555-1212, and see all tickets where
that number appears. Most of our queues have a custom field for phone
numbers, but phone numbers can also appear in message bodies.

It appears that a simple search with fulltext: searches only the
ticket comments and replies. I’d like to have the fulltext search
also check my custom fields. Is there a simple way to achieve this?

Running RT 3.8.6 on pgsql and FreeBSD.

Thanks for any suggestions,

Michael W. Lucas
http://www.MichaelWLucas.com/, http://blather.MichaelWLucas.com/
Latest book: Network Flow Analysis http://www.networkflowanalysis.com/
mwlucas@BlackHelicopters.org, Twitter @mwlauthor

Best regards, Ruslan.