Forward an entire ticket w/ history to another RT system - Possible?

We’re having a little political issue right now. We’re looking to add another queue to our service department, but the manager feels it shouldn’t be a part of the service desk. One request I’m getting is if a ticket falls out of service’s hands, can it be forwarded to a compeltely different RT system for say customer contacts? We’re trying to get thigns worked out so it won’t have to come to that but I’m asking in advance. Is this something that it’s recommended to hire BestPractical to help set up?

Stephen J. Cena
Systems Administrator - MIS/IT Dept
Quality Vision International
850 Hudson Ave
Rochester,NY 14620
Phone: 585-544-0450 x300

Please report email problems to:

QVII MIS/IT Dept - We do what we must because we can.
“Thank you for helping us help you help us all.”

We’re having a little political issue right now. We’re looking to add another queue to our service department, but the manager feels it shouldn’t be a part of the service desk. One request I’m getting is if a ticket falls out of service’s hands, can it be forwarded to a compeltely different RT system for say customer contacts? We’re trying to get thigns worked out so it won’t have to come to that but I’m asking in advance. Is this something that it’s recommended to hire BestPractical to help set up?

Stephen J. Cena
Systems Administrator - MIS/IT Dept
Quality Vision International
850 Hudson Ave
Rochester,NY 14620
Phone: 585-544-0450 x300

Hi Stephen,

I have a quick question. Have you considered just adding the queue to your
existing system and using ACLs and different Email addresses to partition
it away from your existing users? We do that here for several groups and
it works well.


Ken - That is what we want to do. The president of the department doesn’t care that we can lock it down. He is demanding it be totally separate. That’s why I’m inquiring :slight_smile:

Stephen J. Cena
Systems Administrator - MIS/IT Dept
Quality Vision International
850 Hudson Ave
Rochester,NY 14620
Phone: 585-544-0450 x300

Please report email problems to:

QVII MIS/IT Dept - We do what we must because we can.
“Thank you for helping us help you help us all.”

                                                                        • *-----Original Message-----
                                                                          From: []
                                                                          Sent: Monday, April 07, 2014 3:01 PM
                                                                          To: Cena, Stephen (ext. 300)
                                                                          Subject: Re: [rt-users] Forward an entire ticket w/ history to another RT system - Possible?

On Mon, Apr 07, 2014 at 06:47:52PM +0000, Cena, Stephen (ext. 300) wrote:

We’re having a little political issue right now. We’re looking to add another queue to our service department, but the manager feels it shouldn’t be a part of the service desk. One request I’m getting is if a ticket falls out of service’s hands, can it be forwarded to a compeltely different RT system for say customer contacts? We’re trying to get thigns worked out so it won’t have to come to that but I’m asking in advance. Is this something that it’s recommended to hire BestPractical to help set up?

Stephen J. Cena
Systems Administrator - MIS/IT Dept
Quality Vision International
850 Hudson Ave
Rochester,NY 14620
Phone: 585-544-0450 x300

Hi Stephen,

I have a quick question. Have you considered just adding the queue to your existing system and using ACLs and different Email addresses to partition it away from your existing users? We do that here for several groups and it works well.
