Finding queue via REST interface

Hi. I want to use the REST 1.0 interface to retrieve queue(s) which a specific user can watch. I’m trying to use “/REST/1.0/search/ticket?query=MyQuery” but it retrieves the tickets. Is there any way to look directly for the queues rather than the tickets?


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Oh! It seems I need to use “/REST/1.0/search/queue?query=MyQuery” but how to use username in this query?

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Perhaps you can use the user credentials for searching the queues. REST API does not override the authorization system but builds on it. So if you use in your REST query the credentials of the user you are interested in, you should get the right answer. Read also this thread on StackOverflow to adjust the columns you want.

I find out if I use “/REST/1.0/search/ticket?query” without any filter it retrieves all queues the current user can see. So, the problem solved.
(BTW, I pass credentials with API requests either with URL or with cookies)