Find tickets that are owned by requestors


We are using scrip that auto change owner of the ticket to the person
that first respond to unowned ticket. This prevents resolved tickets by
NoBody user.

However from time to time, Requestor want to add something to the ticket
that was created minute ago. In this case Requestor is Owner of its own
ticket and ticket is not visible to Staff anymore.

My question is how I can search tickets with condition like Owner =

We are using scrip that auto change owner of the ticket to the person that
first respond to unowned ticket. This prevents resolved tickets by NoBody user.

However from time to time, Requestor want to add something to the ticket that
was created minute ago. In this case Requestor is Owner of its own ticket and
ticket is not visible to Staff anymore.

My question is how I can search tickets with condition like Owner = Requestor?

Unfortunately, you either have to write some complicated SQL or some
perl code, there’s no way to do that in TicketSQL.

Hopefully you’ve fixed your Scrip, or moved to using something that
doesn’t have the bug you mention, such as
