I am currently revisiting the “Canned-Reply” idea.
Those directions make a call to /Admin/Elements/SelectTemplate to get
the canned replys. Up to now, I have simply named all our
templates that will be used for Canned Replys as “CR - $NAME”, and
given the description of “Canned Reply for $DESCRIPTION”.
Well, now our templates and our Canned Replys are getting numerous
enough (combined with the need for canned Replyes with some non-techy
users) that I would like to find a way to filter out the templates.
I copied the original /Admin/Elements/SelectTemplate over to
/Admin/Elements/SelectCannedReply and adjusted my Update.html
callback. It is calling my new “SelectCannedReply” correctly. But now
I don’t know how to do the filtering (I don’t know perl)
From the SelectTemplate script:
my $PrimaryTemplates = RT::Templates->new($session{‘CurrentUser’});
if ($Queue != 0) {
$PrimaryTemplates->OrderBy(FIELD => ‘Name’);
my $OtherTemplates = RT::Templates->new($session{‘CurrentUser’});
$OtherTemplates->OrderBy(FIELD => ‘Name’);
I am thinking I can modify/add something to/before/after the
“OrderBy(FIELD =>” line that would be on the lines of:
IF (FIELD => ‘Name’) starts with “CR -”
but as noted, since I don’t know perl, I really don’t even know where
to start on this one.
Could someone help get me started?
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company. - George Washington, Rules of Civility