Feature request

A nice thing to have…

on RT at a glance, i’d be nice if my tickets were displayed seperated by
queue. Right now they are all just sorted by Id and then status. Maybe I’m
just picky.

matthew zeier, Sr. Network Engineer | “Nothing in life is to be feared.
InteleNet Communications, Inc. | It is only to be understood.”
(949) 784-7904 | - Marie Curie

matthew zeier wrote:

A nice thing to have…

on RT at a glance, i’d be nice if my tickets were displayed seperated by
queue. Right now they are all just sorted by Id and then status. Maybe I’m
just picky.
This patch turn on multi order at RT at glance page. You could optimize
for your needs :slight_smile: Works for since 3.0.4 :slight_smile:

rt3.multi_order_by_at_home.patch (523 Bytes)

I’ve been using RT v1 for almost two years now and one feature that I got
used to and can’t quite figure out how to do in 2.0.8 is to CC a
person/group for a single comment/correspondance.

There are many times when people within the queue want to CC a sysadmin or
manager for assistance, a heads up, or mechanism for sharing resolutions
to issues. The mechanism I see in RT2 requires setting a CC in the People
setup, sending the message, then removing the CC afterwards. While I can
see that the People setup is useful, it can be time consuming to forward a
quick message this way. It would much easier to be able to set a CC for
the comment/correspondance in the Update Ticket field.

Does anybody know of a shortcut around setting up a one-time use CC or
is this something that I’ll have to ask for in a future version? As I’m
new to the structure of RT2, if I were to do this myself, where should I
look to be able to modify both the GUI and the beavior of the mailer?

Thank you.


Eric W. Fisher fisher@osiriscomm.com
Osiris Communications, Inc.

(877) 219-3708 (Office)
(209) 391-9306 (Fax)

Eric Fisher wrote:

Does anybody know of a shortcut around setting up a one-time use CC or
is this something that I’ll have to ask for in a future version? As I’m
new to the structure of RT2, if I were to do this myself, where should I
look to be able to modify both the GUI and the beavior of the mailer?

We have one group who does a lot of this - we basically did this:

Copy WebRT/Ticket/Update.html and Display.html to the local directory,
then add the Element ‘EditPeople’ into the html code of your ‘local’ copy:

$ diff Update.html /usr/local/rt2/WebRT/html/Ticket/Update.html
< <& /Elements/TitleBoxEnd &>
< <& /Elements/TitleBoxStart, title => ‘People’,width => “100%”, color=>
#333399” &>
< <& Elements/EditPeople, Ticket => $Ticket, UserField => $UserField,
UserString => $UserString, UserOp => $UserOp &>
< $UserField => undef
< $UserOp => undef
< $UserString => undef

Then, add the update logic into the INIT section of the Display.html:

$ diff Display.html /usr/local/rt2/WebRT/html/Ticket/Display.html
< my @wresults = ProcessTicketWatchers( TicketObj => $Ticket, ARGSRef =>
< push @Actions, @wresults;

We further customised our Ticket/Elements/EditPeople page, so that in
addition to two text input forms, we also have a Select for commonly used

T�o de Hesselle, \ One possible reason that things
Unix Systems Administrator \ aren’t going according to plan
\ is that there never was a plan
University of Technology, Sydney \ in the first place.