Feature request: disable global scrip in a queue


I would like to be able to disable a global scrip in a single queue.
We have configured a queue for informations which shall go to all Watchers.

If a ticket is created or moved to this queue it is autoresolved by a scrip
action and archived for future reference. But since it is only information
and no real request we do not want the requestor (hence information
provider) to be automatically notified that his request is resolved.

I see that I can leave all informational tickets open for a workaround, but
there might be mor scenarios well supported by disabling scrip for single

Regards, Dirk.

I would like to be able to disable a global scrip in a single queue.
We have configured a queue for informations which shall go to all Watchers.

If a ticket is created or moved to this queue it is autoresolved by a scrip
action and archived for future reference. But since it is only information
and no real request we do not want the requestor (hence information
provider) to be automatically notified that his request is resolved.

I see that I can leave all informational tickets open for a workaround, but
there might be mor scenarios well supported by disabling scrip for single

I just figured out how to disable a scrip for a single queue. We wanted
to have a different autoreply message (or maybe none, we haven’t decided
for sure) on a single queue, but we didn’t have to manually set every
single other queue’s autoreply scrip to be the same as the current
global one. So I changed the global “On Create Autoreply To Requestors
with template Autoreply” to have the custom condition:

return (($self->TransactionObj->Type eq “Create”) and
($self->TicketObj->QueueObj->Name ne “elided”));

to avoid the global autoreply for tickets in the queue “elided”.

A little further experimentation reveals that changing the “On Resolve
Notify Requestors with template Resolved” scrip to have the custom

return (($self->TransactionObj->Field eq “Status”) and
($self->TransactionObj->NewValue eq “resolved”) and
($self->TicketObj->QueueObj->Name ne “random”));

will avoid sending the ticket completion email to the requestors when
tickets in the “random” queue are resolved, answering your question.

I will also record here, in case anyone else cares, my discovery that
the way to run a scrip when changing the queue of a ticket to
“random”, is the following condition. Proabably not as useful.

return (($self->TransactionObj->Field eq “Queue”) and
($self->TicketObj->QueueObj->Name ne “random”));

It would be nice if there were either checkboxes to turn off global
scrips in each queue’s config, or if there were a list in each global
scrip’s config to exempt queues, avoiding all this. But the above seems
to work pretty well.


It would be nice if there were either checkboxes to turn off global
scrips in each queue’s config, or if there were a list in each global
scrip’s config to exempt queues, avoiding all this. But the above seems
to work pretty well.

It sure would be nice. But the current database schema doesn’t give us
that option. It’ll likely happen for the next major schema change.

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I will also record here, in case anyone else cares, my discovery that
the way to run a scrip when changing the queue of a ticket to
“random”, is the following condition. Proabably not as useful.

Or rather, when changing the queue of a ticket to anything but