Fatal error: RT3.0.12 hangs in an mySQL endless loop when creating user - have to restart Apache to proceed

I have a problem which makes RequestTracker effectively unusable:
I set up RT on my Debian Sarge using apt-get install, configured and run
it. Everything seemed to be ok, I could create users, queues, tickets,
could reply to tickets and so on. The E-mail interface was also
configured. Everything fine so far.

But now after a few days of basic testing I wanted to add another user.
Trying to submit the newly entered user, RT hangs. When I look at the
mysql.log file, I can see that RT is firing over and over again (about
100 times per second) the following query:

SELECT * FROM CachedGroupMembers WHERE Disabled = ‘0’ AND GroupId =
‘4’ AND MemberId = ‘1’

which yields an empty set.
No chance to use the RT from this point on. CPU on my web server is on
approx. 80% Apache, and the database server is facing the massive attack
of queries.
The only cure: stop Apache, then restart it. I cannot create the user,
every try leads to the described behaviour.

My system:

  • Debian Sarge
  • MySQL 4.0.24
  • Request Tracker 3.0.12

Any ideas?



RT 3.0 is 3 major releases out of date. Any chance you could upgrade to
a more recent release?On Sat, Nov 25, 2006 at 09:06:19PM +0100, Alex Meier wrote:

I have a problem which makes RequestTracker effectively unusable:
I set up RT on my Debian Sarge using apt-get install, configured and run
it. Everything seemed to be ok, I could create users, queues, tickets,
could reply to tickets and so on. The E-mail interface was also
configured. Everything fine so far.

But now after a few days of basic testing I wanted to add another user.
Trying to submit the newly entered user, RT hangs. When I look at the
mysql.log file, I can see that RT is firing over and over again (about
100 times per second) the following query:

SELECT * FROM CachedGroupMembers WHERE Disabled = ‘0’ AND GroupId =
‘4’ AND MemberId = ‘1’

which yields an empty set.
No chance to use the RT from this point on. CPU on my web server is on
approx. 80% Apache, and the database server is facing the massive attack
of queries.
The only cure: stop Apache, then restart it. I cannot create the user,
every try leads to the described behaviour.

My system:

  • Debian Sarge
  • MySQL 4.0.24
  • Request Tracker 3.0.12

Any ideas?


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