Extending RT


I’ve some new features for RT which I’d also like to have integrated
into the main RT line.

Currently, I have a status information window which displays tickets
which are overdue and a queue overview, which also tells you when there
are new tickets. I’d like to have an option which can be set per-user to
enable/disable the status window. Should I append a field to the Users
table, or is it better to have an extra Table, something like
“UsersCustomize” or similar, where all things a user can customize
himself are stored?


Timo A. Hummel, IT Specialist
IS Innovative Software AG Phone: +49 69 505030-302
Feuerbachstraße 26-32 Fax: +49 69 505030-505
60325 Frankfurt a.M. E-Mail:
GERMANY WWW: http://is.ag

Might it be in the plans to extend RT’s abilities… to that of, for
example, Keystone, where you have a contact database, and other options?

Like, oh, say, all the work that’s going into RT2? yes.On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 12:59:21PM -0500, Forrest Aldrich wrote:

Might it be in the plans to extend RT’s abilities… to that of, for
example, Keystone, where you have a contact database, and other options?

rt-users mailing list

jesse reed vincent – root@eruditorum.orgjesse@fsck.com
70EBAC90: 2A07 FC22 7DB4 42C1 9D71 0108 41A3 3FB3 70EB AC90

“It’s buried in the desert, got sand in it, melts Nazis. You know,
the Ark of the Covenant” – siva

Well, I haven’t had time to check out RT2 yet… but I just wanted to
inquire, as I think those things would fit very well with RT.

In particular, a database interface to document things (could be user
definable, I suppose), like PoP installations and such (for an IT
department who might be dealing with tickets, etc). An application
(sourceforge) called SICKnotes has a start on this, but it needs lots of work.

Thanks :slight_smile:


At 01:08 PM 3/1/2001 -0500, Jesse wrote: