Exporting / Importing databases Or, Moving from 3.0.2 on sparc, to 3.0.8 on intel

Good day,

Here’s my story.

My company, has a currently running instance of rt 3.0.2, on a Solaris
Sparc machine. It has a large number of tickets in it, and is getting
to be rather slow. It has been decided that the simplest way to improve
speed, was to move to faster hardware, in this case x86.

To that end, I have set up a dual-x86 machine, with RedHat Linux 9,
and a functional, if unconfigured version of RT 3.0.8. All good so far.

Now the trick is to migrate the data from the old instance (3.0.2 on
solaris/sparc) to the new instance (3.0.8 on Linux/x86). Are there any
currently existing tools to perform the database migration? Should we
just do a MySQL (our db) database dump, and then try to import it on
the new machine? Has someone done a similar migration before with some
measure of success?

I have read the PDF document, and googled the mailing list but I have
not found a solution. There exist procedures, scripts and stories of
2 -> 3 migrations, but not much on 3.X -> 3.Y.

Thanks in adavance!


Max Riz wrote:

Now the trick is to migrate the data from the old instance (3.0.2 on
solaris/sparc) to the new instance (3.0.8 on Linux/x86). Are there any
currently existing tools to perform the database migration? Should we
just do a MySQL (our db) database dump, and then try to import it on
the new machine? Has someone done a similar migration before with some
measure of success?

You should be able to just move the database (making sure you’re
importing into InnoDB tables), and check for any schema changes
in etc/schema.mysql. I don’t think there’s anything else to do.
But I’m sure someone will correct me if I’m wrong :slight_smile:

I have read the PDF document, and googled the mailing list but I have
not found a solution. There exist procedures, scripts and stories of
2 → 3 migrations, but not much on 3.X → 3.Y.

“make upgrade” is the usual 3.0.x++ approach.
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