Export Jira cases to Request Tracker

Hi everyone,

I am new to Request Tracker. We are migrating from Jira to Request Tracker. May I know if there is a way to export my Jira cases to Request Tracker?

Thank you so much!


Not that I’m aware of, but perhaps check with Best Practical?

It’d probably depend on how of much of the data in Jira you want to retain in RT. But I suspect some jiggory pokery would allow to take the data across.



We’re moving from Jira to RT too, but we’re not migrating any issue. New system, clean system. Issues in Jira will remain read-only for internal purposes for a while.

We’re +100 service desk team members. We’ll be working a couple of weeks on both systems but we can always copy/paste to RT so we can reduce the transition period (it’s a personal decision).

Cheer up!

Hi, thank you for your replies. Yeah, I saw the wsgetmail plugin that can import CSV files from Jira cases. I was able to import a few cases when I only included the following fields:

However, when I added the following fields (which I saw when exporting CSV from my RT ticket search):

Time Left
I encountered this error:

[37447] [Tue Sep 24 13:14:22 2024] [critical]: [row 2, line 2] Couldn’t create a ticket: Internal Error: Couldn’t execute the query ‘INSERT INTO Tickets (Due, LastUpdated, LastUpdatedBy, Status, Resolved, SLA, Queue, Creator, Created, Type, Started, Starts, Priority, Subject, id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)’ Incorrect datetime value: ‘3 weeks ago’ for column rt5.Tickets.LastUpdated at row 1 (/opt/rt5/lib/RT/Ticket.pm:471)
[37447] [Tue Sep 24 13:14:22 2024] [warning]: [row 3, line 3] DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Incorrect integer value: ‘Low’ for column rt5.Tickets.Priority at row 1 at /usr/local/share/perl/5.34.0/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Handle.pm line 634.

I am facing these issues even when using the spreadsheet exported directly from the RT search. Any advice would be appreciated.

Ah, classic problem, what is exported can’t be imported. The two issues you’re having there are that LastUpdated will need to be a timestamp, not a relative time. And the priority needs to be a the relevant number, not Low.

You can convert the relative dates in the export to fixed dates by adjusting the Display Columns to be Created, Told and LastUpdated instead of CreatedRelative, ToldRelative and LastUpdatedRelative.

You’ll also have this problem for the Owner field which would need to be converted to a username (strip off " (.*)" and convert ‘Nobody in particular’ to ‘nobody’).

Hi Andrew,

Thank you for your quick response. I will look into it. By the way, I noticed in the query builder > Display Columns, the fields I think I should use in the plugin configuration file. Initially, I thought I needed to use the displayed fields from the exported CSV file.

I think my main concern will be with the custom fields. I tried using what is shown in the display columns during the search, such as CustomField.{MyCustomField} or CustomFieldView.{MyCustomField}, but both did not worked.

Thank you.


Sorry, I don’t know what tool you’re using to import the CSV. I had a look at wsgetmail and that doesn’t appear to support importing CSVs of tickets.


Oh, yes, sorry about that. I copied the wrong name. I’m using rt-extension-import-csv and have been able to import a couple of cases with custom fields. I’m still fine-tuning the CSV file and my configuration before applying it in production.

I followed this helpful guide: GitHub - bestpractical/rt-extension-import-csv.

Thank you everyone!


Ah ha! That’s relatively new, 5 months old. That is a good tool to know about. I regularly use rt-extension-assets-import-csv to add assets into RT.

Yeah, their examples show importing with CustomFields.

Good to see that it supports adding transactions to tickets.


May I know if there’s a way to export the comments as well?

Please disregard, I already did it. I found that it can be exported from Jira using the “Export Excel CSV (all fields)” option. and importing is straight forward.

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