Errors with german language

When I set the language for the user to german RT stops to function properly.
Many pages only show “An internal RT error has occurred. Your administrator can find more details in RT’s log files.”

The log file says:
[30091] [Wed Feb 26 07:36:47 2020] [error]: Error in maketexting “Refresh this page every [quant,_1,second,seconds].”:
Can’t locate object method “Anzahl” via package “RT::I18N::de”
in bracket code [compiled line 2], as used at /opt/rt4/share/html/l line 50.

[/opt/rt4/share/html/autohandler:53] (/opt/rt4/sbin/…/lib/RT/Interface/Web/

It is a new installation of rt 4.4.4
If the language is set to english this error doesn’t occour.

Hello Sebaulrich,

This was a bug in the language translation files released with RT 4.4.4. We have a fix for it that you can apply as a patch. You can download the patch here:

Once you get the patch on your RT server (wget or curl), you can apply with:

$ patch -p1 -d /opt/rt4 < a12613d974e01a507f2b19a7fbf682b350d056f3.patch

Then clear the Mason template cache:

$ sudo rm -rf /opt/rt4/var/mason_data/obj

And restart your webserver (Apache or other).


Thanks for the quick help.
Now it works.