Error with rt-mailgate


I’m trying to create a ticket from the command line with:

echo "test" | /opt/rt4/bin/rt-mailgate --no-verify-ssl --queue alerts --action correspond --url --debug

But I get this missage. anybody know what’s the exactly problem?

/opt/rt4/bin/rt-mailgate: temp file is '/tmp/OQ3getqqIc/bOGYmQsQRq'
/opt/rt4/bin/rt-mailgate: connecting to

inherit => undef # inhibit UTF8 conversion done in /autohandler
$queue => 1
$action => "correspond"
$ticket => undef
$m->callback( %ARGS, CallbackName => 'Pre' );
use RT::Interface::Email;
$r->content_type('text/plain; charset=utf-8');
my ( $status, $error, $Ticket ) = RT::Interface::Email::Gateway( \%ARGS );
if ( $status == 1 ) {
  if ( $Ticket && $Ticket->Id ) {
    $m->out( 'Ticket: '  . ($Ticket->Id             || '') . "\n" );
    $m->out( 'Queue: '   . ($Ticket->QueueObj->Name || '') . "\n" );
    $m->out( 'Owner: '   . ($Ticket->OwnerObj->Name || '') . "\n" );
    $m->out( 'Status: '  . ($Ticket->Status         || '') . "\n" );
    $m->out( 'Subject: ' . ($Ticket->Subject        || '') . "\n" );
      'Requestor: ' . ($Ticket->Requestors->MemberEmailAddressesAsString || '') . "\n" );
else {
  if ( $status == -75 ) {
    $m->out( "temporary failure - $error\n" );
  else {
    $m->out( "not ok - $error\n" );

RT server error.

The RT server which handled your email did not behave as expected. It

inherit => undef # inhibit UTF8 conversion done in /autohandler
$queue => 1
$action => "correspond"
$ticket => undef
$m->callback( %ARGS, CallbackName => 'Pre' );
use RT::Interface::Email;
$r->content_type('text/plain; charset=utf-8');
my ( $status, $error, $Ticket ) = RT::Interface::Email::Gateway( \%ARGS );
if ( $status == 1 ) {
  if ( $Ticket && $Ticket->Id ) {
    $m->out( 'Ticket: '  . ($Ticket->Id             || '') . "\n" );
    $m->out( 'Queue: '   . ($Ticket->QueueObj->Name || '') . "\n" );
    $m->out( 'Owner: '   . ($Ticket->OwnerObj->Name || '') . "\n" );
    $m->out( 'Status: '  . ($Ticket->Status         || '') . "\n" );
    $m->out( 'Subject: ' . ($Ticket->Subject        || '') . "\n" );
      'Requestor: ' . ($Ticket->Requestors->MemberEmailAddressesAsString || '') . "\n" );
else {
  if ( $status == -75 ) {
    $m->out( "temporary failure - $error\n" );
  else {
    $m->out( "not ok - $error\n" );
