Enabling simple search

Is there a way to enable the simple search feature for non-privileged
users? I know non-priv users don’t have any rights at all in RT, but
I’d like to give them some search capabilities, if possible. Thanks.


Is there a way to enable the simple search feature for non-privileged
users? I know non-priv users don’t have any rights at all in RT, but
I’d like to give them some search capabilities, if possible. Thanks.


See my post from Nov. 3rd.

No one every replied, so your mileage may very, but working will for my site.

The notes and changes (and a .tar you can download) are at:


Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem
your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone then in bad
company. - George Washington, Rules of Civility


Did you try giving all the Search Rights Globally to "Everyone"? Also, 

I’m not sure a non-privileged user can search tickets in a Queue they
don’t have rights to see. If you give the search rights globally, you
could then give the “un-privileged” users the “ShowTicket” and
“SeeQueue” rights on a queue-by-queue basis. But that, in essence,
makes the “unprivileged” become users with some privileges. HA! kinda
funny really. Anyway, hope this helps.

LBNLOn 11/16/2007 7:28 AM, Enrique Gaona wrote:

Is there a way to enable the simple search feature for non-privileged
users? I know non-priv users don’t have any rights at all in RT, but I’d
like to give them some search capabilities, if possible. Thanks.


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working will for my site

Sorry, “working well”


Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem
your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone then in bad
company. - George Washington, Rules of Civility