Email Correspondence

That is configurable as of RT 2.0 beta 2. Take a look at etc/
If you’re running sendmail, you must change the settings in etc/

    -j from a netcafe in nagoya.

n Mon, Apr 23, 2001 at 08:53:27AM +0200, Mixo wrote:

Evertime a ticket is created, a correspondence email takes a while (a
very long while) to be sent. Is it the way RT works or can I change
this behaviour by altering RT’s configuration ?

The following is what I get when I run the command “mailq”

/var/spool/mqueue (1 request)
----Q-ID---- --Size-- -----Q-Time-----
f3I9SDg09839 386 Wed Apr 18 11:28 rt
(‘AdminCc of forum Ticket #29’:;… List:; syntax
illegal )

Mixo Shiburi

rt-users mailing list

jesse reed vincent –
70EBAC90: 2A07 FC22 7DB4 42C1 9D71 0108 41A3 3FB3 70EB AC90

…realized that the entire structure of the net could be changed to be made
more efficient, elegant, and spontaneously make more money for everyone
involved. It’s a marvelously simple diagram, but this form doesn’t have a way
for me to draw it. It’ll wait. -Adam Hirsch

Evertime a ticket is created, a correspondence email takes a while (a
very long while) to be sent. Is it the way RT works or can I change
this behaviour by altering RT’s configuration ?

The following is what I get when I run the command “mailq”

/var/spool/mqueue (1 request)
----Q-ID---- --Size-- -----Q-Time-----
f3I9SDg09839 386 Wed Apr 18 11:28 rt
(‘AdminCc of forum Ticket #29’:;… List:; syntax
illegal )

Mixo Shiburi

Hello All,
I have a problem with my RT system, I have just noticed that when I
REPLY to a ticket there is no outgoing mail, so the user does not get
updated via email. I have checked that the scrips are set which they
are by default. Once I have replied to ticket the details appear on the
ticket but it does not show that can email has been sent out. Is this
is known problem if so can some one please give me some advice. Nothing
has been changed on my system and was working fin yesterday, this has
totally thrown me. It has happened before, I rebooted the server and
about ten minutes later it started to send mail out.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I need to get the system up
and running and quickly.


Matt Hunt BSc
Yorkshire & Humber Service Centre

Matt Hunt wrote:

Hello All,
I have a problem with my RT system, I have just noticed that when I
REPLY to a ticket there is no outgoing mail, so the user does not get
updated via email.

Can you just confirm that the ticket is not one you are the requestor
for - as RT by default does not e-mail you about your own ticket if you
are the one that made the change.

Also, does other mail get sent successfully? Is there any output in
/rt/var/log/rt.log to indicate that the scrip for sending mail is or
isn’t run?

If you can confirm that it’s not a ticket you are the requestor for, and
the scrip is being run… then it might be worth adding some debug
statements to the perl script to find out where the process is failing:

$RT::Logger->debug(“This is a debug statement to be entered into an RT
perl script, and I can confirm the value of $variable is $variable”);


use Data::Dumper
$RT::Logger->debug(“My variable is a complicated data structure like an
array or an RT ticket object so I will use Dumper to print an
easy-to-read version of the variable.\n\nThe variable $var is:\n\n” .
Kind Regards,

Mike Peachey, IT
Tel: +44 (0) 114 281 2655
Fax: +44 (0) 114 281 2951
Jennic Ltd, Furnival Street, Sheffield, S1 4QT, UK
