$EDITOR and cli reply

Hoy, folks –

I’m trying to automate updating tickets via the CLI, using the “-a” flag
to attach my updates. Unless I specify -m " " on the command line,
though, the CLI insists on opening up $EDITOR to look at the reply
template. While specifying a one-space message works, it’s a little
clunky. Anyone played with this at all?


  Adam Edmund Hirsch  dAchsHund mErmaid  adam@baz.org
  mucH AdmirEd hands mr mEdiA dacHshund  http://web.baz.org/~adam/

Fixed my own problem by having the rt cli tool accept a message on STDIN, with
a “-m -” flag. Dunno if this’ll be useful to anyone else, but hey, it made
doing my updates much, much easier, and doesn’t seem to negatively impact any
of the rest of the cli functionality…

Jesse, et al – lemme know if you folks are going to roll this into the
release tree, so I won’t have to keep maintaining the diffs as I upgrade.

*** rt.orig Tue Feb 24 17:43:03 2004
— rt Tue Feb 24 17:51:39 2004
*** 514,520 ****
my $a = $_ eq “-b” ? @bcc : @cc;
@$a = split /\s*,\s*/, shift @ARGV;
! elsif (/-m/) { $msg = shift @ARGV }
elsif (/-w/) { $wtime = shift @ARGV }
elsif (!$id && m|^(?:ticket/)?($idlist)$|) {
— 514,526 ----
my $a = $_ eq “-b” ? @bcc : @cc;
@$a = split /\s*,\s*/, shift @ARGV;
! elsif (/-m/) {
! $msg = shift @ARGV;
! if ($msg =~ /^-$/) {
! undef $msg;
! while () { $msg .= $_ }
! }
! }
elsif (/-w/) { $wtime = shift @ARGV }
elsif (!$id && m|^(?:ticket/)?($idlist)$|) {


adam@baz.org What I am I am, and say not.
adam hirsch Being is the great explainer.
http://web.baz.org/ - Henry Thoreau

Fixed my own problem by having the rt cli tool accept a message on
STDIN, with
a “-m -” flag. Dunno if this’ll be useful to anyone else, but hey, it
doing my updates much, much easier, and doesn’t seem to negatively
impact any
of the rest of the cli functionality…

Jesse, et al – lemme know if you folks are going to roll this into the
release tree, so I won’t have to keep maintaining the diffs as I

Forwarded to the rt-bugs queue for application for a future 3.0.x
release. #5303

PGP.sig (186 Bytes)

Hi all,

In RT 3.0.9, when I enter a ticket number in the SimpleSearch box in the
righthand corner, I get a blank page. No errors in rt.log nor in

I managed to fix by submitting the SimpleSearch form directly to
/Tickets/Display.html?id=nnn instead to /index.html?q=nnn.

There seems to be a problem with the Mason $m->redirect() call.

Anyone else seen this? I had a similar issue before with an old CGI.pm,
but now I have 3.01.
