Editing style, missing main-squished.css


I would like to edit the web ui. In the html source there is

However I cannot find main-squished.css. I suppose it has to be
created by dhandler using CSS::Squish, and I have Squish version 0.07
installed on my server.


I would like to edit the web ui. In the html source there is

However I cannot find main-squished.css. I suppose it has to be
created by dhandler using CSS::Squish, and I have Squish version 0.07

main-squished is created on the fly. You want to look at the CSS files
in share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/

start with main.css


Ok, did some trial changes and tested with
wget --page-requisites myloginpage_rt_site

Problem is that when I modify a .css, say layout.css, main-squished.css
I get from server is the same as before?
Do I have to do other things apart from modifying .css files in order for RT
to see my changes?

  1. flush mason cache
  2. css’ are cached quite aggressively, so you have to do “hard”
    refresh in your browser.On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 11:17 PM, web master webmaster@acellera.com wrote:

Ok, did some trial changes and tested with
wget --page-requisites myloginpage_rt_site

Problem is that when I modify a .css, say layout.css, main-squished.css
I get from server is the same as before?
Do I have to do other things apart from modifying .css files in order for RT
to see my changes?

However I cannot find main-squished.css. I suppose it has to be
created by dhandler using CSS::Squish, and I have Squish version 0.07

main-squished is created on the fly. You want to look at the CSS files in

start with main.css


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Best regards, Ruslan.