E-mails for "Could not load a valid user"

Hello Everyone,

Running version 3.6.3 here. I’m sure there is an easy solution for this, so
wanted to get some advice.

Currently the e-mail for the “Could not load a valid user” messages go to
the RT administrator in addition to the original requester. I would like to
stop the behavior of it sending the message to the requester, as notifying
the administrator is enough for us.

What’s the best way to accomplish this?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!


Hello Everyone,

Running version 3.6.3 here. I’m sure there is an easy solution for this, so
wanted to get some advice.

Currently the e-mail for the “Could not load a valid user” messages go to
the RT administrator in addition to the original requester. I would like to
stop the behavior of it sending the message to the requester, as notifying
the administrator is enough for us.

What’s the best way to accomplish this?

Modify the following function in lib/RT/Interface/Email.pm:

=head2 _NoAuthorizedUserFound

Emails the RT Owner and the requestor when the auth plugins return “No auth user found”


sub _NoAuthorizedUserFound {
