Duplicate emails if someone is the queue watcher and either the Owner or Requestor

The title pretty much says it. How do I prevent duplicate emails being sent out for this case?


By default, there are multiple scrips that send emails. You will have to fine tune the scrips to your needs.

I think what you are describing here will be solved by disabling the “On Correspond Notify Owner and AdminCcs” and “On Correspond Notify Requestors and Ccs” scrips and creating a new scrip to have as Action the action “Notify Owner, Requestors, Ccs and AdminCcs”.

This is right: One scrip - one mail.

We use it as a feature:

  • Owner or Requestor receive their mail as “To:”
  • Watcher receive their mail as “CC:”

This way the individual mailfilter decides if the mail is stored in inbox or stored in ticket-mail. Because of many or really lots of watching-mails some guys didn’t see their important mails any more.