Due Date - what happens when

Hello Everyone.

If I setup the following:

MyQueueA, due date 2 days
MyUrgentQueueB due date 1 day

and I create a ticket in MyUrgentQueueB, is the due date changed when I
move the ticket to MyQueueA?

Thanks in advance,

Stewart Tranter
Computing Services
Loughborough University

E: s.g.tranter@lboro.ac.uk
W: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/computing/
T: +44 (0) 1509 223719
F: +44 (0) 1509 223989

Hello Everyone.

If I setup the following:

MyQueueA, due date 2 days
MyUrgentQueueB due date 1 day

and I create a ticket in MyUrgentQueueB, is the due date changed when I
move the ticket to MyQueueA?

Nope, since those are just ‘default due in…’ dates. You could certainly
set up a scrip to adjust them on queue change.
