Display columns / Customized fields

Hello all,

I have created several customized fields. What I would like to do is
customize the view on my main RT page to include those fields. The one
in particular is the tickets assigned to me. As I go to Edit > Display
Columns > I do not see any of my customized fields listed in the
options. Is there a way I can get this added?

Hello all,

I have created several customized fields. What I would like to do is
customize the view on my main RT page to include those fields. The one in
particular is the tickets assigned to me. As I go to Edit > Display Columns

I do not see any of my customized fields listed in the options. Is there
a way I can get this added?

If custom fields are not global then you have to limit by queue or use
advanced tab to add a custom field to format string.

Best regards, Ruslan.