I’m getting debug error messages about GD and GraphViz but never explicitly enabled them. I didn’t do anything that I am aware specifically enabled these features and don’t use theme, so is there a configuration setting I can use to stop RT from checking for them and throwing out debug messages? It makes the error log bloated and hard to read, but I prefer leaving it on “debug” so I can see other issues while I’m developing. I’m not seeing anything in RT_Config.pm or in any searches I’ve been doing.
Error messages:
You’ve enabled GD, but we couldn’t load the module: Can’t locate GD.pm in @INC (you may need to install the GD module)
You’ve enabled GraphViz, but we couldn’t load the module: Can’t locate GraphViz2.pm in @INC (you may need to install the GraphViz2 module)
Edit: Looks like the following worked. Added to RT_SiteConfig.pm:
Set($DisableGraphViz, 1);
Set($DisableGD, 1);