Disable Auto-Reply to Specific User?

I’m having recurrent problems with mail loops between request tracker
and sympa (mailing list manager). The ideal way for me to fix this is
to disable all auto replies to the sympa@mydomain address, since it’s
configured to send auto-replies itself.

I’m using RT3; the way I used to do this in RT2 was by disabling the
user directly in the database, but I can’t find the appropriate column
anymore. I suspect that the “right way” is to use scrips, but any
references are quite vague.

Any hints would be appreciated, since this is something that I find is
regularly useful.



Put it into the RTAddressRegexp variable in RT_SiteConfig.pm?

-----Original Message-----
From: Blaine Cook [mailto:blaine@altern.org]
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 1:55 AM
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: [rt-users] Disable Auto-Reply to Specific User?

I’m having recurrent problems with mail loops between request tracker
and sympa (mailing list manager). The ideal way for me to fix this is
to disable all auto replies to the sympa@mydomain address, since it’s
configured to send auto-replies itself.

I’m using RT3; the way I used to do this in RT2 was by disabling the
user directly in the database, but I can’t find the appropriate column
anymore. I suspect that the “right way” is to use scrips, but any
references are quite vague.

Any hints would be appreciated, since this is something that I find is
regularly useful.



rt-users mailing list
The rt-users Archives

Have you read the FAQ? The RT FAQ Manager lives at

If you have the ability to use Procmail, you can add a “Precedence: Bulk”
header to the messages you don’t want to send an auto-reply to. For
example, we get messages from FedEx, but don’t want auto-replies to go to
them. So, in the appropriate .procmailrc file we have:

FedEx messages:

- Add “Precedence: Bulk” header so Request Tracker won’t autoreply

:0fhw: .msgid.lock

  • ^From:.fedex.com.
    | formail -i “Precedence: Bulk”

RT doesn’t auto-reply to messages with “Precedence: Bulk”.

I hope this helps.
