Detecting differences between installs

I have two installs, a development install and a production install, and
there’s something different between them. I suspect it has to do with
module revisions or something, but I cannot seem to put my finger on it.

We use, rather heavily, the extension for commands by email, and a nice
Web UI was developed for our in-house users. The tests went very well
against the development system, but now that we have rolled it in to
production, the email commands do not seem to function properly.
Knowing how that extension works, it will parse commands in-line until
it finds a blank line or a non-matching line, and then it assumes that
no more commands follow.

That works as expected in the development environment. However, in the
production environment, it gives up after the first command.
Interestingly, when viewing the email within the RT web UI, every line
(when submitted via the web form) has an extra carriage return in it,
causing a blank line between each line. When I select to download the
message (with headers), the message looks correct. I’m not convinced
that this symptom isn’t a red herring, but I thought it was worth

Is there an easy(ish) way to determine what version of the perl modules
are installed on each of these systems so I could attempt to sync the
two? Or am I barking up the wrong tree here. I even went so far as to
perform a complete clean install of the production tree and the two
extensions that we are currently using, changing only the master
RT_SiteConfig and the external auth RT_SiteConfig files to no avail.


Is there an easy(ish) way to determine what version of the perl modules
are installed on each of these systems so I could attempt to sync the
two? Or am I barking up the wrong tree here. I even went so far as to
perform a complete clean install of the production tree and the two
extensions that we are currently using, changing only the master
RT_SiteConfig and the external auth RT_SiteConfig files to no avail.

a first easy step is to compare what RT give you as a summary of
configuration in RT web ui menu: Configuration->Tools->System

That works as expected in the development environment. However, in the
production environment, it gives up after the first command.
Interestingly, when viewing the email within the RT web UI, every line
(when submitted via the web form) has an extra carriage return in it,
causing a blank line between each line. When I select to download the
message (with headers), the message looks correct. I’m not convinced
that this symptom isn’t a red herring, but I thought it was worth

Extra carriage returns is a bit of a red flag.

By chance, in your production environment are the emails being sourced from
a windows client of some sort such that you get ^M^N end-of-line markers
instead of ^N end-of-line markers (windows vs. unix)…

If you washed the emails through dos2unix before feeding them to the mail
command handlers, I suspect things would work normally again.

Well… maybe that’s grasping at straws a little, but reading your email
that’s the first thing that came to mind for me.


Is there an easy(ish) way to determine what version of the perl modules
are installed on each of these systems so I could attempt to sync the
two? Or am I barking up the wrong tree here. I even went so far as to
perform a complete clean install of the production tree and the two
extensions that we are currently using, changing only the master
RT_SiteConfig and the external auth RT_SiteConfig files to no avail.

a first easy step is to compare what RT give you as a summary of
configuration in RT web ui menu: Configuration->Tools->System

Doh… forgot that was there. Thanks! That helped… I was able to make
sure that everything was sync’ed between the two from an RT perspective.
