Deny ticket creation from web


I’ve rt 3.8.8
I want to deny user to create ticket from web.
They should only have access to create ticket from email

I thought that i gave create ticket to unauthorized user’s and take to authorized, but it’s didn’t work.
This users have “let this user be granted rights”


I’ve rt 3.8.8

I want to deny user to create ticket from web.

They should only have access to create ticket from email

I thought that i gave create ticket to unauthorized user’s and take to authorized, but it’s
didn’t work.

This users have “let this user be granted rights”

The CreateTicket right applies to both the web and email creation of
tickets. You could take away SeeQueue so that the New Ticket In list
is empty, but that would prevent your Privileged users from being able
to effectively work tickets.

You may need to make code modifications to achieve what you want, but
we have an incomplete idea of what you want which makes suggesting
solutions difficult.
