Deleting Tickets

One more question… (I didn’t want to stick all my questions in one email,
bad for threading and archives).

We have like 35 tickets from testing that are sitting in the queue. We would
like to delete this, but I don’t see any easy way. It seems to resolve them
you have to send an email. For starters I don’t want to fillin a resolve email
for each one. Secondly, I don’t want to receive 20 emails, and third, about
half of them aren’t real email addresses (before the box was configured with a
mail server, people tested with fake emails).

Is there no way to just delete them?

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-Benjamin Franklin, 1759

Von: Phil Dibowitz []

We have like 35 tickets from testing that are sitting in the
Is there no way to just delete them?

  1. search for the tickets
  2. click “update all these tickets at once”
  3. deselect tickets you don’t want to be deleted
  4. select “Make status: dead”
  5. click “Submit”

Tickets gone, no mail sent


Oh nevermind. Ya’ll were right. I appologize. I didn’t realize some of them
had been deleted. Sorry.

Sorry Ale for sending the above to you directly… replied to the wrong
address. ::sigh::

Just been one of those days…

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-Benjamin Franklin, 1759

Hello All,

I am logged in as root in RT and am yet not able to see any link to
Delete Tickets anywhere. The link does not appear for users who have
been explicitly given ‘Delete Tickets’ rights too. Doesn’t RT support
deletion of tickets???


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Ritu Khetan wrote:

I am logged in as root in RT and am yet not able to see any link to
Delete Tickets anywhere. The link does not appear for users who have
been explicitly given ‘Delete Tickets’ rights too. Doesn’t RT support
deletion of tickets???

It does. You do it by setting the ticket status to ‘deleted’.


Max Bowsher wrote:

I am logged in as root in RT and am yet not able to see any link to
Delete Tickets anywhere. The link does not appear for users who have
been explicitly given ‘Delete Tickets’ rights too. Doesn’t RT support
deletion of tickets???

It does. You do it by setting the ticket status to ‘deleted’.

Is there a better way (for RT3)? We have some tickets that we must
delete because of privacy regulations.

While we are at it, is there a way to clear the users table (e.g. remove
all users which are only referenced from dead tickets)?

It does. You do it by setting the ticket status to ‘deleted’.

Is there a better way (for RT3)? We have some tickets that we must
delete because of privacy regulations.

this comes up on rt-users every couple weeks. try the archives.

While we are at it, is there a way to clear the users table (e.g. remove
all users which are only referenced from dead tickets)?

as does this.


seph wrote:

It does. You do it by setting the ticket status to ‘deleted’.

Is there a better way (for RT3)? We have some tickets that we must
delete because of privacy regulations.

this comes up on rt-users every couple weeks. try the archives.

I did, but the RT3 contrib section (which is often referred to) does
not offer such an extension AFAIK (for deleting all dead tickets). 8-(