Delete articles via CLI?

Hi all,

Is there a way to delete articles (i.e. RTFM) via the command line? I
couldn’t find a way to do it with rt-shredder. I’m at 4.0.7 (just
upgraded from 3.8.8 + RTFM).


Roy McMorran
Systems Administrator
MDI Biological Laboratory

Is there a way to delete articles (i.e. RTFM) via the command line?
I couldn’t find a way to do it with rt-shredder. I’m at 4.0.7 (just
upgraded from 3.8.8 + RTFM).

While you could delete an Article with the Objects plugin to Shredder,
that will leave lots of dangling pointers since it won’t know to clean
up all the links and all the custom fields.
