Default value for description field depending on queue


is it possible to set the description field to a default value when you
use “Create ticket in queue”.

E.g. we want to fill up the description field with some default
questions our help desk person will ask the requester on phone. He then
fills in the answer after the question.

Can you tell me how I can fix this? The questions are different
depending on the queue the ticket will be created in.

I have looked around but did not find any answer.

Thanks in advance.

Kind Regards,


You could create several CF's for a ticket; one for each question you 

want to ask. Since tickets live in queues, you can set up different CF’s
for the tickets in a queue. Then, when the help desk person looks at the
ticket or opens the ticket, they can modify the CF with an
answer/selection for those CF’s. The initial setting for the CF can be
set up in a scrip for that queue when a ticket is created. Different
queues would have different scrips setting the default CF value. Hope
this helps.

LBNLOn 2/11/2008 1:08 PM, Tommie Van Mechgelen wrote:


is it possible to set the description field to a default value when you
use “Create ticket in queue”.

E.g. we want to fill up the description field with some default
questions our help desk person will ask the requester on phone. He then
fills in the answer after the question.

Can you tell me how I can fix this? The questions are different
depending on the queue the ticket will be created in.

I have looked around but did not find any answer.

Thanks in advance.

Kind Regards,

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Kenneth Crocker wrote:


You could create several CF's for a ticket; one for each question 

you want to ask. Since tickets live in queues, you can set up
different CF’s for the tickets in a queue. Then, when the help desk
person looks at the ticket or opens the ticket, they can modify the CF
with an answer/selection for those CF’s. The initial setting for the
CF can be set up in a scrip for that queue when a ticket is created.
Different queues would have different scrips setting the default CF
value. Hope this helps.

Okay kenneth this seems a good solution. Is it possible to have the
contents of CFs available in an autoreply template? Because we want the
mail going to the user to contain this information we filled in…

Thanks in advance


Sure. Here is an example of a templete we use for when a ticket is 

created. It includes the data from a ticket CF (‘Description’). Hope
this helps.

Ticket Queue : {$Ticket->QueueObj->Name}
Ticket Number : #{$Ticket->id}
Ticket Subject: {$Ticket->Subject}
Ticket Description:
return $Ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue(‘Description’);
Ticket Priority is: {$Ticket->Priority}
Ticket Created by: {$Ticket->CreatorObj->Name}

To ensure that any communication is kept with the ticket history,
Please include the string:

      [{$rtname} #{$Ticket->id}]

in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue.

To view this ticket, enter URL:


                     Thank you,

LBNLOn 2/12/2008 1:26 PM, Tommie Van Mechgelen wrote:

Kenneth Crocker wrote:


You could create several CF's for a ticket; one for each question 

you want to ask. Since tickets live in queues, you can set up
different CF’s for the tickets in a queue. Then, when the help desk
person looks at the ticket or opens the ticket, they can modify the CF
with an answer/selection for those CF’s. The initial setting for the
CF can be set up in a scrip for that queue when a ticket is created.
Different queues would have different scrips setting the default CF
value. Hope this helps.

Okay kenneth this seems a good solution. Is it possible to have the
contents of CFs available in an autoreply template? Because we want the
mail going to the user to contain this information we filled in…

Thanks in advance