DBIx::SearchBuilder 0.81_02 - pg updates

So. This new release of DBIx::SearchBuilder includes a new
query builder for Postgres. It should be faster. can anyone with
postgres issues comment?


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“JV” == Jesse Vincent jesse@bestpractical.com writes:

JV> So. This new release of DBIx::SearchBuilder includes a new
JV> query builder for Postgres. It should be faster. can anyone with
JV> postgres issues comment?

Is it safe for RT2? My RT2 instance is Postgres, but my RT3 is mysql
(different companies and projects).

“JV” == Jesse Vincent jesse@bestpractical.com writes:

JV> So. This new release of DBIx::SearchBuilder includes a new
JV> query builder for Postgres. It should be faster. can anyone with
JV> postgres issues comment?

Is it safe for RT2? My RT2 instance is Postgres, but my RT3 is mysql
(different companies and projects).

It should work just fine, though I don’t have an RT2 instance running on
postgres to test on.

rt-devel mailing list

Request Tracker... So much more than a help desk — Best Practical Solutions – Trouble Ticketing. Free.

So. This new release of DBIx::SearchBuilder includes a new
query builder for Postgres. It should be faster. can anyone with
postgres issues comment?

Gimme a few, updating as we speak. The lag was really noticable. Will
tell you how it went.

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven <asmodai(at)wxs.nl> / asmodai / a capoeirista
PGP fingerprint: 2D92 980E 45FE 2C28 9DB7 9D88 97E6 839B 2EAC 625B
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