Hello, all.
Here is new patch for trunk(applies with shift). Patch fixes issues in
_LoadFromSQL method, tests that cover this issues I sent in previous mail.
_LoadFromSQL never reported error when PK fields are missed. Fixed.
fetchrow_hashref dies only when RaiseErrors is true, because we can
control this from Handle obj so we should die according to
$Handle->RaiseErrors property. Fixed.
When RaiseErrors is “false” then fetchrow_hashref returns undef and we
should check $sth->err(see perldoc DBI
). Fixed.
After call to fetchrow we should clean “fetched” internal hash and fill
it only when we return successful result. Fixed.
If SimpleQuery fails, _LoadFromSQL method doesn’t return any error
message. Fixed.
Best regards, Ruslan.
cleanup_fix_LoadFromSQL.patch (1.3 KB)