Dbi will not pass user name to mysql

I am new to RT, and have been attempting to install v. 3.010 on Red hat
advanced Server with the following config.

DBD::mysql 2.1018… and mysql 4.0.20-standard

I continually get authentication errors to the mysql database no matter
what I do. I have attempted to add the root user to the mysql database,
and also
wiped the database out and recreated the database. I am not an expert in
either RT or mysql, but what stumps me is that even when I change the
RT_SiteConfig.pm field Set($DatabaseUser , ‘root’); to any user I still get
the same error when running make initialize-database, which follows.

[Mon Jun 7 17:34:47 2004] [crit]: Connect Failed Access denied for user:
@localhost’ to database 'rt3’
at //data/doc_root/rt/sbin/rt-setup-database line 334
make: *** [initialize-database] Error 255

I am not sure why it is using a blank user name. Any help would be greatly

Jeff Leach
Unix Systems Administrator