Database upgrade issue from 4.0.24 to 4.4.1

Hello all,
I’m experiencing an issue upgrading from RT 4.0.24 to 4.4.1. It is during the database upgrade step and occurs in the first step - the upgrade to 4.1.0. I get the following error:

ERROR: One of initial functions failed: Can't call method "Content" on an undefined value at ./etc/upgrade/4.1.0/content line 35, <> line 1.
Makefile:389: recipe for target 'upgrade-database' failed
make: *** [upgrade-database] Error 255

I found an older thread in the users mailing list here where a user had a similar problem, but it turned out he was just specifying the wrong version for the upgrade script. I have verified several times the version I’m upgrading from. So one of the responses in that thread recommended running this query and checking the results:

select id, Name, Description, Creator from Attributes where Name like '%HomepageSettings%'; 

I tried this, and I just have a lot of these entries, but nothing that looks like the system default entry is supposed to look.

mysql> select id, Name, Description, Creator from Attributes where Name like '%HomepageSettings%';
| id    | Name                  | Description | Creator |
|    13 | Pref-HomepageSettings | NULL        |      22 |
|    15 | Pref-HomepageSettings | NULL        |   14204 |
|    17 | Pref-HomepageSettings | NULL        |      40 |
|    20 | Pref-HomepageSettings | NULL        |   39032 |
|    24 | Pref-HomepageSettings | NULL        |     235 |
|    25 | Pref-HomepageSettings | NULL        |     243 |
|    27 | Pref-HomepageSettings | NULL        |      24 |
a bunch more like these
| 12011 | Pref-HomepageSettings | NULL        |  704097 |
145 rows in set (0.03 sec)

Has anyone encountered this issue before, and can you provide any insight into a fix?

Thanks for the help.