Database Dates

Are all the dates in the DB stored in GMT? Looking to get some stats
out of RT, and have the following query to count all of the request
messages (and a negated one for the replies):

select Count(*) from Transactions, Tickets where (Transactions.Type =
‘Correspond’ and

Transactions.ObjectType = ‘RT::Ticket’ and

Transactions.ObjectId = and
= Tickets.Creator and

= ‘2008-02-05 00:00:00’ and
<= ‘2008-02-05 23:59:59’);

I’ve noticed that some things that happened on the 5th are actually
stored in the DB with a transaction.created date of the 6th. Looks
like a GMT conversion factor, but just wanted to confirm before I
convert my search params.


Are all the dates in the DB stored in GMT? Looking to get some stats
out of RT, and have the following query to count all of the request
messages (and a negated one for the replies):

yes, RT stores dates as GMT and converts for display.
