Data replication RT server to RT server

Hello listmates,

Here is what I have in mind.

Let us say I have a production RT instance. Let us call it rt_prod. Let us
also say I want to run a staging instance on which I would be testing new
versions, extensions, etc. Let us call is rt_stag.

Is there a way to synchronize the to with regard to actual ticket data -
i.e., make it so that once any modification is made on the production one
(rt_prod), for instance, the same is reflected on staging (rt_stag). I may
even want to do it both ways.

Any way to do something like this - or am I just dreaming?



Hello listmates,

Here is what I have in mind.

Let us say I have a production RT instance. Let us call it rt_prod. Let us
also say I want to run a staging instance on which I would be testing new
versions, extensions, etc. Let us call is rt_stag.

Is there a way to synchronize the to with regard to actual ticket data -
i.e., make it so that once any modification is made on the production one
(rt_prod), for instance, the same is reflected on staging (rt_stag). I may
even want to do it both ways.

Any way to do something like this - or am I just dreaming?



Hi Boris,

Read through the upgrade documentation and check out the changes introduced
in the schema during the process. Not having done so, if the changes are in
some sense one-to-one, you may be able to have your production data pushed
into your test system with judicious scripting, triggers, views,… It may
be more useful to script the upgrade process completely for the DB and then
update it once a day with the latest information. Going both ways would be
EXTREMELY challenging. Let us know if you get something like this working,
I think it would be of interest to others.


If using MySQL you can do circular replication, I was keeping a “live” backup of our database for disaster recovery/failover using Tungsten.
But the point Ken made about database differences between versions is a HUGE thing to consider!!!

I run all RT upgrades in a test environment before moving to prod.
I got really tired of flattening and rebuilding test by hand so I hacked together this: Tech Detritus: A script to flatten RT dev/test and import from production

It’s pretty ugly so I wouldn’t use it as-is, but it may serve as a starting point for you.

  •      BrentFrom: rt-users [] On Behalf Of Boris Epstein

Sent: Friday, April 08, 2016 3:02 PM
Subject: [rt-users] data replication RT server to RT server

Hello listmates,

Here is what I have in mind.

Let us say I have a production RT instance. Let us call it rt_prod. Let us also say I want to run a staging instance on which I would be testing new versions, extensions, etc. Let us call is rt_stag.

Is there a way to synchronize the to with regard to actual ticket data - i.e., make it so that once any modification is made on the production one (rt_prod), for instance, the same is reflected on staging (rt_stag). I may even want to do it both ways.

Any way to do something like this - or am I just dreaming?

