Data pathways

To all,

All of the code we use on Rt is something we found using all the 

examples you guys send in to the user’s group. For example, the
following code is not something we invented, but copied.

$trans->Message->First->GetHeader eq ‘Received’
$Ticket_Description = $Ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue(‘Description’)

However, I was wondering where the examples are for such code. Where do 

I find the pathway for the creator of a ticket? I tried
{$Ticket->Creator} but only got a numer. How do I get the actual UserID?
How do I find out how to find other data? I tried looking at the
DataBase and using record names but that doesn’t seem to work. I can
probably figure out what to do if I can find the info on how to access
the data or figure out the pathway. Thanks.



RT Essentials is a good start also the wiki
and the best source of all is in
/opt/rt3/lib/RT and /opt/rt3/share/html (if you have installed RT in /opt)
or example you query about $Ticket->Creator
if you look in /opt/rt3/lib/RT/ or
/opt/rt3/lib/RT/ you 'll find that what you need is:
$Ticket->CreatorObj->Name (for the Creator’s name) or
$Ticket->CreatorObj->EmailAddress for the email address


Kenneth Crocker wrote:


Thanks. I'll get right to it.


Roy El-Hames wrote: