Dashboard permissions

What are the minimum permissions to allow a user or group the right to
create a dashboard and set it as their default dashboard? And perhaps add
it to their dashboard menu?

I haven’t found a way other than making a user an Administrator, but that
seems too heavy-handed. What am I missing here?


  • Rick

What are the minimum permissions to allow a user or group the right to
create a dashboard and set it as their default dashboard? And perhaps add
it to their dashboard menu?

I haven’t found a way other than making a user an Administrator, but that
seems too heavy-handed. What am I missing here?

Of course I look for days, then find it immediately after I post to the
list. I found the modifySelf and related permissions in “Modify Global
Group Rights”. I will make the changes to “Staff” group.

While I understand the reasoning (now), going to “Global Rights” seems
unituitive when looking to change a user or groups “personal” setting.