CustomField Why isn't the description displayed on tickets?

Hi all,

On creation of a CustomField fx of type “Select one value”, you can create following information in your values:
Sort, Name, Description and Category. Sort and Category is not relevant for this issue.

In the combobox in the ticket display only “Name” is displayed but not “Description”. Why? Or more relevant… How do I do to display the description along with the name?

My problem is that I thought that I could use Name for my ID values and Desciption to guide the users.

1 Norminal ledger
2 Subscription
3 Advertisement

On the ticket the users can only see 1, 2, 3…

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
Brian Kjelin Olsen

Schilling A/S
Baldersbækvej 24-26
DK-2635 Ishøj
Tel: +45 70 27 99 00
Fax: +45 70 27 99 10