Customer Survey in RT

I came across a comment by Steffan Vigano in the RT lists a few months
back. I’ve wanted a Customer Survey/Feedback interface in RT for
awhile. Hopefully this doesn’t already exist! Because I’ve got
something preliminarily working. Probably more appropriate topic for
rt-users to discuss - but I don’t read that at home.

Install the code from: (guest/guest)

Add the following to your Resolve Template:

If you would like to provide feedback on the service that you received,
simply go to:

or what ever you feel is appropriate wording. Then setup some custom
fields with names starting with survey and their description being
the question you wish to ask. Disable the custom fields if you don’t
want them displaying in the standard UI - they’ll still be displayed by
the Survey interface.

There are still some items remaining - but since the weekend is nearing
an end I thought someone might find it useful to waste their Monday


Running RT 3.0.12, I came across the below and installed it, but I’m stuck now with rights, when submitting the survey as not-logged-in user it says “permission denied”…
As I don’t want people to login to RT to complete the survey, which right would I give “Everyone” to be able to modify the custom fields “survey…” in RT 3.0.12 ?

I also asked myself wether anybody already made some reports or statistics module for this ?

Another thing is, the re-open submit in Survey.html points the http post to xxx.html, where should this post be directed to and is this easily possible to reopen a ticket this way while still being unauthenticated anyway ?


Nobody with some hint which right I need to set with RT 3.0.12 that everyone can submit the survey ?
