Custom Fields on

I am really sorry for re-posting this afain I did not realize I sent it
without a subject…Please accept my apologies

Running RT3.4.5 on FC 5 box, working great…

I have question on custom fields and conditions:
I have two custom fields : “Labor Description” and “Labor cost” I need these
fields to appear only when a ticket is resolved, so when the user selects to
resolve the ticket he will be able to type more detailed information in
these two fields, so far I have created the fields on the ticket
transactions page I started a scrip as follows:
Condition: OnResolve
Action:User Define
Template:Global Template: Resolved
Stage: TransactionCreate

Then I’m drawing a blank what should I do to present these custom fields
(only when resolved) and how to change the size of the custom field to match
the size of the issue Textbox on the main create Ticket page…