Custom Fields in SelfService Page

Hello There!!!

Is it possible to show custom fields in html pages (i.e. Create.html) located in “SelfService” directory?? Because I use this model pages when I want that user just view a simple layout… it’s ocurrs when I unchecked “Let this user be granted rigths” in users properties.

For example, when a user select a queue (in SelfService/Create.html), the page automatically reload and show the custom field related that on queue. Is there a way to solve this?

Thank’s for regards!!!

Rodolfo de Moraes Reis
DSIN - Grupo de Teste e Qualidade
CPqD Telecom & IT Solutions
Tel.: +55 19 3705-5986
Fax: +55 19 3705-6786

Hello There!!!

Is it possible to show custom fields in html pages (i.e. Create.html) located in “SelfService” directory?? Because I use this model pages when I want that user just view a simple layout… it’s ocurrs when I unchecked “Let this user be granted rigths” in users properties.

For example, when a user select a queue (in SelfService/Create.html), the page automatically reload and show the custom field related that on queue. Is there a way to solve this?

RT 3.4 provides support for custom fields in self service