Custom fields in 'at a glance' output?

I’d like to make one of my custom fields show up in my ‘RT at a
glance’ search for ‘highest priority tickets I own’ but I can’t seem
to figure out how to do it. Any suggestions?

Dan Parsons
Sr. Systems Administrator
Luxtera, Inc.

Hi Dan;
What version of RT are you using, if its 3.6.x (and you are using the
new default MyRT) then (I think) you can edit your "Ticket I own"
search to display the custom field…
If its 3.4 then you need to edit Elements/MyTickets, what you need is
something similar to:

<%$Ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Name of Custom Field')%>

Dan Parsons wrote:

Also, make sure the SeeCustomFields permission is set for everyone that
needs to use and/or see the field.


Dan Parsons wrote:

I am using 3.6, but I don’t see anything related to custom fields
under the edit search screen, for ‘tickets i own’…???

Dan Parsons
Sr. Systems Administrator
Luxtera, Inc.On Nov 15, 2006, at 6:42 AM, Mathew wrote:

Also, make sure the SeeCustomFields permission is set for everyone
needs to use and/or see the field.


Dan Parsons wrote:

I’d like to make one of my custom fields show up in my ‘RT at a
search for ‘highest priority tickets I own’ but I can’t seem to
out how to do it. Any suggestions?

Dan Parsons
Sr. Systems Administrator
Luxtera, Inc.

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i am using v.3.6.x, but how can i change the Search-string for “Ticket i own”??

What version of RT are you using, if its 3.6.x (and you are using the
new default MyRT) then (I think) you can edit your "Ticket I own"
search to display the custom field…