Custom Fields for Users

I’ve throughly searched the Wiki and the old archives and can not come up
with an answer to this question, so perhaps some of you may be able to help:
I would like to get the CustomField Named “DefaultQueue” that I created for
Users in the SelectQueue file so that when the Queue list appears, it would
default to a certain Queue for each user. Here is the code that I have come
up with that should work, but I keep
getting undefines and what-not. Perhaps you can help?
% my $user = new RT::User($session{‘CurrentUser’});
% my $cfs = $user->CustomFields();
% while($cf = $cfs->Next) {
% if ($cf->Name eq ‘DefaultQueue’) {
% my $cfvalues = $user->CustomFieldValues($cf->Id);
% while(my $cfvalue = $cfvalues->Next) {
% print $cfvalue->Content; }}}
Obviously the last print line would be changed, but I’m using it just for
testing purposes right now until it’s working.
Let me know if you need any more details. I’ll also keep looking around for
an answer, but do appreciate any and all help.

Hi All,

        I noticed that you can create a Custom Field for Users and

tried it out, but how do you get it to show up? I created the Custom
Field, gave full access to Everyone to it, then went and looked at a
user record. The Custom Field “area” showed up on the user page, but
there weren’t any fields in “area”…

What am I missing?

Kelly F. Hickel
Senior Software Architect
MQSoftware, Inc

Found the answer. To assign custom fields to users, logged in as root,
do the following:

  1. Click Configuration in the top menu bar

  2. Click Global from the list of items

  3. Click on Custom Fields from the list of items

  4. Click on Users from the list of items

Now you can select which Custom Fields apply to all users.

Kelly F. Hickel
Senior Software Architect
MQSoftware, Inc
[] On Behalf Of Kelly F.
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 6:34 AM
To: RT Users
Subject: [rt-users] Custom Fields for Users

Hi All,

        I noticed that you can create a Custom Field for Users and

tried it out, but how do you get it to show up? I created the Custom
Field, gave full access to Everyone to it, then went and looked at a
user record. The Custom Field “area” showed up on the user page, but
there weren’t any fields in “area”…

What am I missing?

Kelly F. Hickel
Senior Software Architect
MQSoftware, Inc