Custom Field size

To all,

My turn!!!  Awhile back, I asked about how to increase the size of a 

custom Field I defined as “Fill in one text area”. It all works fine,
but the size is like really, really, really small. I wanted to make the
box (where the user would type his stuff) much bigger. I was told to
change the size of “RT::MessageBoxWidth. I did. I made it
"Set($MessageBoxWidth , 180);” and when I bounced RT, the box doesn’t
look any different. I created a ticket and when I typed info in the
field, same small box and look. Sooooooo, does anyone have a solution to
that one? I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.



That's pretty cool. Any answer as to why the first instruction I got 

doesn’t work? I more curious than anything else. I’m still REAL new to
the UNIX world and perl and more of n Administer at this point. I’ve
written some simple scrips but no code that involves callbacks,
subroutines, etc. My hero once said “a good man always knows his
limitations”. So I’m learning this stuff painfully slow. For example:

I assume $ cat means you want me to put the code that starts with the 

line return … into “…/Elements/EditCustomField/EditComponentName”.
Do I include the <%init> line? Also, how will RT know that I want just
the one CF to be bigger and what size? What is “<%ARGS>”? Does all of
that code go in “/EditCustomField/”? Is that a directory? Is
“/EditComponentName” a file and does it hold the “</%ARGS>” part of the
As you can see, I know very little about any perl code that is the
least bit complicated. If I understood your code better, I’d more than
likely use it as my 35 years of coding in 20 other languages taught me
that hard-coding and redundant coding is BAD, BAD, BAD. Thanks.

LBNLOn 2/7/2008 12:57 PM, Todd Chapman wrote:

RT has a callback to change what component is used to edit/display a CF.
I wrote a callback that made it easy to override the component to be
used for a specific CF.

Here is the callback:

$ cat

return unless $CustomField;

if ( $CustomField->FriendlyPattern =~ /\WTime\W/ ) {
$$Name = $m->callers(1)->dir_path . “/CustomFields/TimePicker”;

$Comp = $CustomField->Name;
$Comp =~ s/\W//g;
$Comp = $m->callers(1)->dir_path . "/CustomFields/EditCF

$$Name = $m->comp_exists($Comp.$CustomField->id) ? $Comp.$CustomField->id
: $m->comp_exists($Comp) ? $Comp
: $$Name;
$CustomField => undef
$Object => undef

With that in place I can just drop a new component in the right place to
get the desired behavior. Here is one what does what you want:

$ cat /opt/rt3/local/html/Elements/CustomFields/EditCF_Change_Description

<& /Elements/EditCustomFieldText, %ARGS, Rows => 10, Cols => 40 &>

This is handy for all sorts of things.


On 2/7/08, Kenneth Crocker <> wrote:

To all,

        My turn!!!  Awhile back, I asked about how to increase the
size of a
custom Field I defined as "Fill in one text area". It all works fine,
but the size is like really, really, really small. I wanted to make the
box (where the user would type his stuff) much bigger. I was told to
change the size of "RT::MessageBoxWidth. I did. I made it
"Set($MessageBoxWidth , 180);" and when I bounced RT, the box doesn't
look any different. I created a ticket and when I typed info in the
field, same small box and look. Sooooooo, does anyone have a solution to
that one? I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.



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MessageBoxWidth determines the size of things such as the Reply box on the
ticket update page. It doesn’t affect CFs at all.On 2/7/08, Kenneth Crocker wrote:

To all,

    My turn!!!  Awhile back, I asked about how to increase the size of

custom Field I defined as “Fill in one text area”. It all works fine,
but the size is like really, really, really small. I wanted to make the
box (where the user would type his stuff) much bigger. I was told to
change the size of "RT::MessageBoxWidth. I did. I made it
“Set($MessageBoxWidth , 180);” and when I bounced RT, the box doesn’t
look any different. I created a ticket and when I typed info in the
field, same small box and look. Sooooooo, does anyone have a solution to
that one? I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.


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RT has a callback to change what component is used to edit/display a CF. I
wrote a callback that made it easy to override the component to be used for
a specific CF.

Here is the callback:

$ cat

return unless $CustomField;

if ( $CustomField->FriendlyPattern =~ /\WTime\W/ ) {
$$Name = $m->callers(1)->dir_path . “/CustomFields/TimePicker”;

$Comp = $CustomField->Name;
$Comp =~ s/\W//g;
$Comp = $m->callers(1)->dir_path . "/CustomFields/EditCF

$$Name = $m->comp_exists($Comp.$CustomField->id) ? $Comp.$CustomField->id
: $m->comp_exists($Comp) ? $Comp
: $$Name;
$CustomField => undef
$Object => undef

With that in place I can just drop a new component in the right place to get
the desired behavior. Here is one what does what you want:

$ cat /opt/rt3/local/html/Elements/CustomFields/EditCF_Change_Description

<& /Elements/EditCustomFieldText, %ARGS, Rows => 10, Cols => 40 &>

This is handy for all sorts of things.

-ToddOn 2/7/08, Kenneth Crocker wrote:

To all,

    My turn!!!  Awhile back, I asked about how to increase the size of

custom Field I defined as “Fill in one text area”. It all works fine,
but the size is like really, really, really small. I wanted to make the
box (where the user would type his stuff) much bigger. I was told to
change the size of "RT::MessageBoxWidth. I did. I made it
“Set($MessageBoxWidth , 180);” and when I bounced RT, the box doesn’t
look any different. I created a ticket and when I typed info in the
field, same small box and look. Sooooooo, does anyone have a solution to
that one? I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.


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Yes, include the <%INIT> line.

You have to make the directory
and create the file EditComponentName.

Then create the directory /opt/rt3/local/html/Elements/CustomFields/.

Now for every CF you want to modify the display of you create a file in that
directory. For edit mode you create the file
EditCF_my_cf_name. That is, “EditCF” + your CF name with all
non-alphanumeric characters replaces with underscores.

In the example I gave you just end up calling the same component RT would
have normally called, but override the Rows and Cols options.

Does that make sense?

-ToddOn 2/7/08, Kenneth Crocker wrote:


    That's pretty cool. Any answer as to why the first instruction I

doesn’t work? I more curious than anything else. I’m still REAL new to
the UNIX world and perl and more of n Administer at this point. I’ve
written some simple scrips but no code that involves callbacks,
subroutines, etc. My hero once said “a good man always knows his
limitations”. So I’m learning this stuff painfully slow. For example:

    I assume $ cat means you want me to put the code that starts with

line return … into “…/Elements/EditCustomField/EditComponentName”.
Do I include the <%init> line? Also, how will RT know that I want just
the one CF to be bigger and what size? What is “<%ARGS>”? Does all of
that code go in “/EditCustomField/”? Is that a directory? Is
“/EditComponentName” a file and does it hold the “</%ARGS>” part of the
As you can see, I know very little about any perl code that is the
least bit complicated. If I understood your code better, I’d more than
likely use it as my 35 years of coding in 20 other languages taught me
that hard-coding and redundant coding is BAD, BAD, BAD. Thanks.


On 2/7/2008 12:57 PM, Todd Chapman wrote:

RT has a callback to change what component is used to edit/display a CF.
I wrote a callback that made it easy to override the component to be
used for a specific CF.

Here is the callback:

$ cat


return unless $CustomField;

if ( $CustomField->FriendlyPattern =~ /\WTime\W/ ) {
$$Name = $m->callers(1)->dir_path . “/CustomFields/TimePicker”;

$Comp = $CustomField->Name;
$Comp =~ s/\W//g;
$Comp = $m->callers(1)->dir_path . "/CustomFields/EditCF

$$Name = $m->comp_exists($Comp.$CustomField->id) ?
: $m->comp_exists($Comp) ? $Comp
: $$Name;
$CustomField => undef
$Object => undef

With that in place I can just drop a new component in the right place to
get the desired behavior. Here is one what does what you want:

$ cat

<& /Elements/EditCustomFieldText, %ARGS, Rows => 10, Cols => 40 &>

This is handy for all sorts of things.


On 2/7/08, Kenneth Crocker <> wrote:

To all,

        My turn!!!  Awhile back, I asked about how to increase the
size of a
custom Field I defined as "Fill in one text area". It all works


but the size is like really, really, really small. I wanted to make


box (where the user would type his stuff) much bigger. I was told to
change the size of "RT::MessageBoxWidth. I did. I made it
"Set($MessageBoxWidth , 180);" and when I bounced RT, the box


look any different. I created a ticket and when I typed info in the
field, same small box and look. Sooooooo, does anyone have a

solution to

that one? I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.



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Some of it, yes. I know how to create the directories/files, but I 

still don’t see how that will make the box for the CF entry bigger.

LBNLOn 2/7/2008 2:06 PM, Todd Chapman wrote:


Yes, include the <%INIT> line.

You have to make the directory /opt/rt3/local/html/Callbacks
/my_company/Elements/EditCustomField/ and create the file EditComponentName.

Then create the directory /opt/rt3/local/html/Elements

Now for every CF you want to modify the display of you create a file in
that directory. For edit mode you create the file
EditCF_my_cf_name. That is, “EditCF” + your CF name with all
non-alphanumeric characters replaces with underscores.

In the example I gave you just end up calling the same component RT
would have normally called, but override the Rows and Cols options.

Does that make sense?


On 2/7/08, Kenneth Crocker <> wrote:


        That's pretty cool. Any answer as to why the first
instruction I got
doesn't work? I more curious than anything else. I'm still REAL new to
the UNIX world and perl and more of n Administer at this point. I've
written some simple scrips but no code that involves callbacks,
subroutines, etc. My hero once said "a good man always knows his
limitations". So I'm learning this stuff painfully slow. For example:

        I assume $ cat means you want me to put the code that starts
with the
line return .... into ".../Elements/EditCustomField/EditComponentName".
Do I include the <%init> line? Also, how will RT know that I want just
the one CF to be bigger and what size? What is "<%ARGS>"? Does all of
that code go in "/EditCustomField/"? Is that a directory? Is
"/EditComponentName" a file and does it hold the "</%ARGS>" part of the
        As you can see, I know very little about any perl code that
is the
least bit complicated. If I understood your code better, I'd more than
likely use it as my 35 years of coding in 20 other languages taught me
that hard-coding and redundant coding is BAD, BAD, BAD. Thanks.


On 2/7/2008 12:57 PM, Todd Chapman wrote:
 > RT has a callback to change what component is used to
edit/display a CF.
 > I wrote a callback that made it easy to override the component to be
 > used for a specific CF.
 > Here is the callback:
 > $ cat
 > <%INIT>
 > return unless $CustomField;
 > if ( $CustomField->FriendlyPattern =~ /\WTime\W/ ) {
 >     $$Name = $m->callers(1)->dir_path . "/CustomFields/TimePicker";
 >     return;
 > }
 > my
 > $Comp = $CustomField->Name;
 > $Comp =~ s/\W/_/g;
 > $Comp = $m->callers(1)->dir_path . "/CustomFields/EditCF_$Comp";
 > $$Name = $m->comp_exists($Comp.$CustomField->id) ?
 >        : $m->comp_exists($Comp)                  ? $Comp
 >        : $$Name;
 > </%INIT>
 > <%ARGS>
 > $Name
 > $CustomField => undef
 > $Object => undef
 > </%ARGS>
 > With that in place I can just drop a new component in the right
place to
 > get the desired behavior. Here is one what does what you want:
 > $ cat
 > <& /Elements/EditCustomFieldText, %ARGS, Rows => 10, Cols => 40 &>
 > This is handy for all sorts of things.
 > -Todd
 > On 2/7/08, *Kenneth Crocker* < <> < <>>> wrote:
 >     To all,
 >             My turn!!!  Awhile back, I asked about how to
increase the
 >     size of a
 >     custom Field I defined as "Fill in one text area". It all
works fine,
 >     but the size is like really, really, really small. I wanted
to make the
 >     box (where the user would type his stuff) much bigger. I was
told to
 >     change the size of "RT::MessageBoxWidth. I did. I made it
 >     "Set($MessageBoxWidth , 180);" and when I bounced RT, the box
 >     look any different. I created a ticket and when I typed info
in the
 >     field, same small box and look. Sooooooo, does anyone have a
solution to
 >     that one? I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
 >     Kenn
 >     LBNL
 >     _______________________________________________
 >     Community help:
 >     Commercial support:
 >     < <>>
 >     Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly
 >     Buy a copy at


The callback is a building block for changing that behavior of any CF you

Then you drop components into /opt/rt3/local/html/Elements/CustomFields/ to
actually change specific CFs.

So in your case you create a file called EditCF_my_cf_name. The contents
should be:

<& /Elements/EditCustomFieldText, %ARGS, Rows => 10, Cols => 40 &>

All this does is pass the arguments (%ARGS) that RT would normally use to
render your text area CF and overrides the Rows and Cols settings. It uses
EditCustomFieldText which is what RT would normally use, but now you have
specific control of the number of rows and columns for that custom field. It
does not allow you to control the size of all custom fields at once. If you
want to do that you can use CSS.

-ToddOn 2/7/08, Kenneth Crocker wrote:


    Some of it, yes. I know how to create the directories/files, but I

still don’t see how that will make the box for the CF entry bigger.


On 2/7/2008 2:06 PM, Todd Chapman wrote:


Yes, include the <%INIT> line.

You have to make the directory /opt/rt3/local/html/Callbacks
/my_company/Elements/EditCustomField/ and create the file

Then create the directory /opt/rt3/local/html/Elements

Now for every CF you want to modify the display of you create a file in
that directory. For edit mode you create the file
EditCF_my_cf_name. That is, “EditCF” + your CF name with all
non-alphanumeric characters replaces with underscores.

In the example I gave you just end up calling the same component RT
would have normally called, but override the Rows and Cols options.

Does that make sense?


On 2/7/08, Kenneth Crocker <> wrote:


        That's pretty cool. Any answer as to why the first
instruction I got
doesn't work? I more curious than anything else. I'm still REAL new


the UNIX world and perl and more of n Administer at this point. I've
written some simple scrips but no code that involves callbacks,
subroutines, etc. My hero once said "a good man always knows his
limitations". So I'm learning this stuff painfully slow. For


        I assume $ cat means you want me to put the code that starts
with the
line return .... into


Do I include the <%init> line? Also, how will RT know that I want


the one CF to be bigger and what size? What is "<%ARGS>"? Does all


that code go in "/EditCustomField/"? Is that a directory? Is
"/EditComponentName" a file and does it hold the "</%ARGS>" part of


        As you can see, I know very little about any perl code that
is the
least bit complicated. If I understood your code better, I'd more


likely use it as my 35 years of coding in 20 other languages taught


that hard-coding and redundant coding is BAD, BAD, BAD. Thanks.


On 2/7/2008 12:57 PM, Todd Chapman wrote:
 > RT has a callback to change what component is used to
edit/display a CF.
 > I wrote a callback that made it easy to override the component to


 > used for a specific CF.
 > Here is the callback:
 > $ cat


 > <%INIT>
 > return unless $CustomField;
 > if ( $CustomField->FriendlyPattern =~ /\WTime\W/ ) {
 >     $$Name = $m->callers(1)->dir_path .


 >     return;
 > }
 > my
 > $Comp = $CustomField->Name;
 > $Comp =~ s/\W/_/g;
 > $Comp = $m->callers(1)->dir_path . "/CustomFields/EditCF_$Comp";
 > $$Name = $m->comp_exists($Comp.$CustomField->id) ?
 >        : $m->comp_exists($Comp)                  ? $Comp
 >        : $$Name;
 > </%INIT>
 > <%ARGS>
 > $Name
 > $CustomField => undef
 > $Object => undef
 > </%ARGS>
 > With that in place I can just drop a new component in the right
place to
 > get the desired behavior. Here is one what does what you want:
 > $ cat
 > <& /Elements/EditCustomFieldText, %ARGS, Rows => 10, Cols => 40


 > This is handy for all sorts of things.
 > -Todd
 > On 2/7/08, *Kenneth Crocker* < <> < <>>> wrote:
 >     To all,
 >             My turn!!!  Awhile back, I asked about how to
increase the
 >     size of a
 >     custom Field I defined as "Fill in one text area". It all
works fine,
 >     but the size is like really, really, really small. I wanted
to make the
 >     box (where the user would type his stuff) much bigger. I was
told to
 >     change the size of "RT::MessageBoxWidth. I did. I made it
 >     "Set($MessageBoxWidth , 180);" and when I bounced RT, the box
 >     look any different. I created a ticket and when I typed info
in the
 >     field, same small box and look. Sooooooo, does anyone have a
solution to
 >     that one? I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
 >     Kenn
 >     LBNL
 >     _______________________________________________

The rt-users Archives

 >     Community help:
 >     Commercial support:
 >     < <mailto:>>

 >     Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly
 >     Buy a copy at


AAAHHH! Methinks I understand. I'll try it and play with it now that I 

“SEE” what you’re saying. Thanks.

LBNLOn 2/8/2008 6:55 AM, Todd Chapman wrote:


The callback is a building block for changing that behavior of any CF
you want.

Then you drop components into /opt/rt3/local/html/Elements/CustomFields/
to actually change specific CFs.

So in your case you create a file called EditCF_my_cf_name. The contents
should be:

<& /Elements/EditCustomFieldText, %ARGS, Rows => 10, Cols => 40 &>

All this does is pass the arguments (%ARGS) that RT would normally use
to render your text area CF and overrides the Rows and Cols settings. It
uses EditCustomFieldText which is what RT would normally use, but now
you have specific control of the number of rows and columns for that
custom field. It does not allow you to control the size of all custom
fields at once. If you want to do that you can use CSS.


On 2/7/08, Kenneth Crocker <> wrote:


        Some of it, yes. I know how to create the directories/files,
but I
still don't see how that will make the box for the CF entry bigger.


On 2/7/2008 2:06 PM, Todd Chapman wrote:
 > Kenneth,
 > Yes, include the <%INIT> line.
 > You have to make the directory /opt/rt3/local/html/Callbacks
 > /my_company/Elements/EditCustomField/ and create the file
 > Then create the directory /opt/rt3/local/html/Elements
 > /CustomFields/.
 > Now for every CF you want to modify the display of you create a
file in
 > that directory. For edit mode you create the file
 > EditCF_my_cf_name. That is, "EditCF" + your CF name with all
 > non-alphanumeric characters replaces with underscores.
 > In the example I gave you just end up calling the same component RT
 > would have normally called, but override the Rows and Cols options.
 > Does that make sense?
 > -Todd
 > On 2/7/08, *Kenneth Crocker* < <> < <>>> wrote:
 >     Todd,
 >             That's pretty cool. Any answer as to why the first
 >     instruction I got
 >     doesn't work? I more curious than anything else. I'm still
REAL new to
 >     the UNIX world and perl and more of n Administer at this
point. I've
 >     written some simple scrips but no code that involves callbacks,
 >     subroutines, etc. My hero once said "a good man always knows his
 >     limitations". So I'm learning this stuff painfully slow. For
 >             I assume $ cat means you want me to put the code that
 >     with the
 >     line return .... into
 >     Do I include the <%init> line? Also, how will RT know that I
want just
 >     the one CF to be bigger and what size? What is "<%ARGS>"?
Does all of
 >     that code go in "/EditCustomField/"? Is that a directory? Is
 >     "/EditComponentName" a file and does it hold the "</%ARGS>"
part of the
 >     code?
 >             As you can see, I know very little about any perl
code that
 >     is the
 >     least bit complicated. If I understood your code better, I'd
more than
 >     likely use it as my 35 years of coding in 20 other languages
taught me
 >     that hard-coding and redundant coding is BAD, BAD, BAD. Thanks.
 >     Kenn
 >     LBNL
 >     On 2/7/2008 12:57 PM, Todd Chapman wrote:
 >      > RT has a callback to change what component is used to
 >     edit/display a CF.
 >      > I wrote a callback that made it easy to override the
component to be
 >      > used for a specific CF.
 >      >
 >      > Here is the callback:
 >      >
 >      > $ cat
 >      >
 >      >
 >      > <%INIT>
 >      > return unless $CustomField;
 >      >
 >      > if ( $CustomField->FriendlyPattern =~ /\WTime\W/ ) {
 >      >     $$Name = $m->callers(1)->dir_path .
 >      >     return;
 >      > }
 >      >
 >      > my
 >      > $Comp = $CustomField->Name;
 >      > $Comp =~ s/\W/_/g;
 >      > $Comp = $m->callers(1)->dir_path .
 >      >
 >      > $$Name = $m->comp_exists($Comp.$CustomField->id) ?
 >     $Comp.$CustomField->id
 >      >        : $m->comp_exists($Comp)                  ? $Comp
 >      >        : $$Name;
 >      > </%INIT>
 >      > <%ARGS>
 >      > $Name
 >      > $CustomField => undef
 >      > $Object => undef
 >      > </%ARGS>
 >      >
 >      > With that in place I can just drop a new component in the
 >     place to
 >      > get the desired behavior. Here is one what does what you want:
 >      >
 >      > $ cat
 >      >
 >      > <& /Elements/EditCustomFieldText, %ARGS, Rows => 10, Cols
=> 40 &>
 >      >
 >      >
 >      > This is handy for all sorts of things.
 >      >
 >      > -Todd
 >      >
 >      > On 2/7/08, *Kenneth Crocker* < <> < <>> < <> < <>>>> wrote:
 >      >
 >      >     To all,
 >      >
 >      >
 >      >             My turn!!!  Awhile back, I asked about how to
 >     increase the
 >      >     size of a
 >      >     custom Field I defined as "Fill in one text area". It all
 >     works fine,
 >      >     but the size is like really, really, really small. I
 >     to make the
 >      >     box (where the user would type his stuff) much bigger.
I was
 >     told to
 >      >     change the size of "RT::MessageBoxWidth. I did. I made it
 >      >     "Set($MessageBoxWidth , 180);" and when I bounced RT,
the box
 >     doesn't
 >      >     look any different. I created a ticket and when I
typed info
 >     in the
 >      >     field, same small box and look. Sooooooo, does anyone
have a
 >     solution to
 >      >     that one? I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
 >      >
 >      >
 >      >     Kenn
 >      >     LBNL
 >      >
 >      >     _______________________________________________
 >      >
 >      >
 >      >     Community help:
 >      >     Commercial support:
 >     < <>>
 >      >     <
<> <
 >      >
 >      >
 >      >     Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from
 >     Media.
 >      >     Buy a copy at
 >      >
 >      >