Custom field search

Hi there;
RT 3.6.1 , apache2 mod_perl2 and mysql 5

I have asked this question before , but did not get a valid response ,
I have a problem searching custom fields values, I can display them in
the search results , but I can’t search for them eg a search
’CF.{Customer_Ref}’ LIKE ‘1234’ AND Queue = ‘Testing’ display 0 results
where I know there is atleast 1 …
I can see and edit cf’s so its not permission issue …

I have removed all customisation (apart of RT_SiteConfig) so its nothing
I did …
the problem apply to all types of custom fields.

Any help will be appreciated.


Hi Roy,

so far i can remember, there was a problem some sub releases ago with CF’s
searches and jesse also send a patch or fix to the list. I’m not sure for
which version but i think it was 3.6.1. Have you tryed to upgrade to 3.6.3?
Here it is working.

Torsten2007/2/8, Roy El-Hames

Hi there;
RT 3.6.1 , apache2 mod_perl2 and mysql 5

I have asked this question before , but did not get a valid response ,
I have a problem searching custom fields values, I can display them in
the search results , but I can’t search for them eg a search
‘CF.{Customer_Ref}’ LIKE ‘1234’ AND Queue = ‘Testing’ display 0 results
where I know there is atleast 1 …
I can see and edit cf’s so its not permission issue …

I have removed all customisation (apart of RT_SiteConfig) so its nothing
I did …
the problem apply to all types of custom fields.

Any help will be appreciated.


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Torsten Brumm

Thanks Torsten , upgrading is not a simple process in here, I have to go
through dev cycle etc … as there is a risk of something breaking
I searched the mailing list and wiki before sending my mail yesterday
could n’t find anything about pacthes or fix for this, You wont happen
to know the thread ??

Torsten Brumm wrote: