Custom field - check boxes, radio buttons and text boxes

We are currently looking at customizing RT to allow us to use a wizard type system to create problem tickets (multiple screens). We repair computers and would like to have a way to check computers in to our system and create a ticket by select check boxes and radio buttons to inform the technician of all of the tests / tasks required to be done on that system and then possible check boxes to relay the results of these test / tasks. We may also need to type additional comments or give recommendations.

Using check boxes and radio buttons will be easier for our users to manipulate. Has anyone done this or do you have any suggestions?

Thanks in advance for you help.

Brad Yarotsky
The Computer Clinic

Experience all of the new features, and Reconnect with your life.

Using check boxes and radio buttons will be easier for our users to
manipulate. Has anyone done this or do you have any suggestions?

You can certainly do this with RT using custom fields, but not “multiple
screen” where the state transfers from one page to the next. It would all
be one screen.

If you wanted multiple screens, you could still do it with a custom web
front end that uses RT’s REST interface to store all the data from all pages
to one ticket.

– ============================
Tom Lahti
BIT Statement LLC

(425)251-0833 x 117
– ============================

Although multi-screen is ideal for us, just being able to use check boxes
and radio buttons would make things alot easier. Could you explain a
little further how we do this or what we can reference to get more
information on this…

Thank you again
Brad Yarotsky

Good day Brad
I think, could you ask him how he can use check boxes or
radio button in RT instead of select for multi or single
value from list items or it’s need some customization.
best wishes,

Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2009 10:14:24 -0700
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Custom field - check boxes, radio buttons and
text boxes

Using check boxes and radio buttons will be easier for our users to
manipulate. Has anyone done this or do you have any suggestions?

You can certainly do this with RT using custom fields, but not “multiple
screen” where the state transfers from one page to the next. It would
be one screen.

If you wanted multiple screens, you could still do it with a custom web
front end that uses RT’s REST interface to store all the data from all
to one ticket.

– ============================
Tom Lahti
BIT Statement LLC

(425)251-0833 x 117
– ============================

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