Hey, guys,
I’ve included a custom date field in my queues.
“Choose a date”, a nice calendar appears but in english format. cf screenshsot
Is there a way to put it in French format?
RT 4.4.1
Thank you for your answers,
Yours sincerely,
Hey, guys,
I’ve included a custom date field in my queues.
“Choose a date”, a nice calendar appears but in english format. cf screenshsot
Is there a way to put it in French format?
RT 4.4.1
Thank you for your answers,
Yours sincerely,
You’ll need to download the regional file for jQuery-ui you require and then tell RT to use it. For example, if we assume your RT install is in /opt/rt4
then you’d do:
mkdir -p /opt/rt4/local/static/js
cd /opt/rt4/local/static/js
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jquery/jquery-ui/master/ui/i18n/datepicker-fr.js
This gets you the jQuery-ui french template. Now in your RT_SiteConfig.pm
add the line:
Set( @JSFiles, qw /datepicker-fr.js/ );
Flush your Mason cache, restart the web server and you should then have date pickers in French by default.
Hello, GreenJimll,
Thank you very much for your answer
My RT (4.4.1) has been in production for more than two years, I need to plan a service interruption.
I will keep you informed.
Thanks again
Have a nice day.