Custom date field

Yes ,
I will try and test this out on an old non-patched setup
stay tuned…

Yes , I am using your calendar patch on this serverI just tried the same type queries on my older (unpatched ) box and I am having the same > ‘now + 5 Days’ or > ‘now’ , works with the standard Due date, but not CF date fields.the older box is 3.6.3 and I am using your patch on a 3.6.5 version.Still digging…

Yes , I am using your calendar patch on this serverI just tried the
same type queries on my older (unpatched ) box and I am having the
same > ‘now + 5 Days’ or > ‘now’ , works with the standard
Due date, but not CF date fields.the older box is 3.6.3 and I am using
your patch on a 3.6.5 version.Still digging…

It works here, RT 3.6.6, Debian Etch, DBIx::SearchBuilder 1.51, Mysql

I tested using “> ‘now’” and “< ‘now’”. I tested also using “< ‘now +
5Days’”, it works but not with “> ‘now - 365 Days’” (with both CF and
Tickets dates).