Should this work on 3.8.3?
I’m trying it with this in the Custom Action:
my $last_id = $self->TransactionObj->NewValue;
my $temp_user = RT::User->new();
my $last_email = $temp_user->EmailAddress();
$self->TicketObj->AddWatcher( Type => “Cc”,
Email => $last_email);
return 1;
and return 1; in cleanup.
I can’t see my $RT::Logger stuff at all in rt.log
- may be you forgot to set action to “user defined”
Nope, checked that.
- RT::User->new(); should be called with current user: RT::User->new(
$self->TicketObj->CurrentUser );
OK, changed.
- you don’t check any errors
For example? Should they be more wrapped like:
OnCreateSetDeptHeadCc - Request Tracker Wiki> On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 1:59 AM, Gavin Henry gavin.henry@gmail.com wrote:
Should this work on 3.8.3?
I’m trying it with this in the Custom Action:
my $last_id = $self->TransactionObj->NewValue;
my $temp_user = RT::User->new();
my $last_email = $temp_user->EmailAddress();
$self->TicketObj->AddWatcher( Type => “Cc”,
Email => $last_email);
return 1;
and return 1; in cleanup.
I can’t see my $RT::Logger stuff at all in rt.log
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Best regards, Ruslan.