Creating web froms to interface with a queue


I am currently doing an evaluation of job tracking systems and was
wondering about creating web forms that provide an interface for
people to submit requests to an RT queue. Looking at something like
PloneCollector you can create a tracker item and then design the
schema to interfact with the queue. This will then give you the form
that you use to submit your request to the queue.

Does RT have anything like that, I couldn’t see anything in the RT
Essentials book or the wiki. If I wanted to have a form in my intranet
for example to submit a request to an RT queue would I just build the
form based on the default fields and custom fields I have created for
that queue and then just have the form send the submission to the
email associated with that queue? Is that the easiest way to do this?

I can see from the rt used for cpan that they have forms generated by
requester tracker that interface to each queue. I just can’t see where
it is explained how that sort of thing can be done. Perhaps that is
all part of the customisation of RT documentation I had a look at in
the wiki but i didn’t notice it.

Thanks for any help and if anyone is interested in the review we are
doing it is available at

John Habermann
The Wilderness Society


I am currently doing an evaluation of job tracking systems and was
wondering about creating web forms that provide an interface for
people to submit requests to an RT queue. Looking at something like
PloneCollector you can create a tracker item and then design the
schema to interfact with the queue. This will then give you the form
that you use to submit your request to the queue.

Does RT have anything like that, I couldn’t see anything in the RT
Essentials book or the wiki. If I wanted to have a form in my intranet
for example to submit a request to an RT queue would I just build the
form based on the default fields and custom fields I have created for
that queue and then just have the form send the submission to the
email associated with that queue? Is that the easiest way to do this?

I can see from the rt used for cpan that they have forms generated by
requester tracker that interface to each queue. I just can’t see where
it is explained how that sort of thing can be done. Perhaps that is
all part of the customisation of RT documentation I had a look at in
the wiki but i didn’t notice it.

Thanks for any help and if anyone is interested in the review we are
doing it is available at


There are a number of possible solutions. If the web form
would be on the same box as RT, you could use the RT API
to directly create tickets.

If RT is remote, you could use the REST interface. E-mail
would be fine for submitting tickets but not for looking
up information on open tickets.


Does RT have anything like that, I couldn’t see anything in the RT
Essentials book or the wiki. If I wanted to have a form in my intranet
for example to submit a request to an RT queue would I just build the
form based on the default fields and custom fields I have created for
that queue and then just have the form send the submission to the
email associated with that queue? Is that the easiest way to do this?

That is one way. Another simple way is to use the SelfService interface
that comes with RT as a base for your custom needs.


The Self Service could work, but there a user has to authorize. A simple
webform which will communicate directly to the RT can work. If it is
installed at a different box, i think the RT CLI can be helpfull (if the
CLI supports CF’s)

The way we do this at this moment is a webform, generating a mail, which
is parsed from the RT if it arrives at the RT Mailgate. This sets the
CF’s and all other needed things.


Joseph Micciche schrieb: