Create Ticket width CustomField value using command line


I’d trying to create a ticket with custom field value using cli interface,
but it hasn’t supported yet :(. The other solution is RT API, isn’t it?

I’ve developed the following snippet code for create a simple ticket.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use lib ("/usr/local/rt3.0/lib");

use RT::Interface::CLI;
use RT;
use RT::Ticket;
use RT::CurrentUser;
my $CurrentUser = RT::Interface::CLI::GetCurrentUser();
use MIME::Entity;

my $ticket = new RT::Ticket($CurrentUser);

my $ticket_body = MIME::Entity->build(Data => ‘Body Mesage’, Type =>

my %ticket_vals = ( Queue => ‘suporte’,
Subject => ‘test’,
Owner => ‘root’,
Requestor => ‘’,
InitialPriority => ‘11’,
FinalPriority => ‘20’,
MIMEObj => $ticket_body,

my ($id, $transaction_object, $err) = $ticket->Create(%ticket_vals);
print STDERR $err . “\n” if $err;

But, It isn’t run correctly, I’ve gotten this errors:

[Wed Jul 11 21:23:55 2007] [crit]: RT::Attachment->Create couldn’t, as
you didn’t specify a transaction
[Wed Jul 11 21:23:55 2007] [err]: RT::Scrips=HASH(0x9434c88) couldn’t
load ticket 16
[Wed Jul 11 21:23:55 2007] [crit]: Trying to check RT::Queue rights
for an unspecified RT::Queue
[Wed Jul 11 21:23:55 2007] [error]: Ticket couldn’t be created:
O tíquete não pôde ser criado devido a um erro interno

Does anyone know what is wrong?
What is snippet code I have to add in this code to populate custom field?

PS: I am trying to integrate RT with Nagios.

Marco Catunda

Hi Marco,

Marco Catunda wrote:

Does anyone know what is wrong?

Your code worked for me. I was able to create tickets.

What is snippet code I have to add in this code to populate custom field?

I was able to add custom fields during ticket creation. I assigned the
value to the ticket_vals hash. e.g:

You’ll need the id of the custom field for this.

$ticket_vals{“CustomFields-” . $cfid} = $value;

before passing the hash to the $ticket->Create subroutine.

PS: I am trying to integrate RT with Nagios.
